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2. Computer Aided design


Model (raster, vector, 2D, 3D, render, animate, simulate, …) a possible final project compress your images and videos, and post a description with your design files on your class page

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A raster file, also known as a bitmap, is a digital image file format that represents an image as a grid of pixels, each with a unique color or shade. Raster files are also commonly used for editing images, photos, and graphics. A vector file is a type of digital image file that uses mathematical algorithms to represent images and graphics, rather than pixels. Vector files work better for digital illustrations, complex graphics, and logos. That’s because the resolution of vectors remains the same when resized, making them suitable for a wide variety of printed formats.

GIMP- GNU Image Manipulation Program

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It is a free, open-source image editing software used for tasks such as photo retouching, image composition, and image authoring.GIMP runs on multiple operating systems including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

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This is the first time I am using GIMP.I downloaded the GIMP, and done some work with “Lasso” tool. It is used for making selections by tracing the outline of an object or area. It allows us to manually trace around an object and create a selection that can be edited various ways. To use the Lasso tool, you simply click the starting point of your selection and then trace around the object by clicking at various points. When it return to the starting point, the selection will be complete.

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Inkscape is a Free and open source vector graphics editor for GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS. It offers a rich set of features and is widely used for both artistic and technical illustrations such as cartoons, clip art, logos, typography, diagramming and flowcharting.

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This is the first time I am using Inkscape.I downloaded it and done some trials in tracking bitmap.A jpgh imapge was downloaded from internet and image was copied to Inscape. Then select the image and click path to see the trace Bitmap, just push it and we can see a diloge box, where we can adjust so many items and finally press update and push OK.We will get a priview. Just pull it out, we will get a vector file.What I am shown over here is that I selected the edge dection.

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3D Design

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Onshape is a FREE browser-based CAD platform that students and educators can access on any web-connected device. This provides the same modelling capabilities as the paid version, including sheet metal, surfacing, direct modelling and top-down assembly techniques. This is the first time I am trying Onshape. I saw some youtube videos and tried this 3D of Mug. Shortkeys in Onshape will help do work fast: shortkey

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Here is some tips to draw the coffee mug. Select a new file. Select a plane. Select the circle from the tools and darw a circle. Next extrude it.

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I prefer Fusion 360 for 3D design, cause its easy for me. Steppes I followed Step 1: Launch Fusion 360 on your computer and create a new design by selecting “New Design” from the “File” menu. This will create a new blank canvas for your drawing. Step 2: Choose the “Drawing” workspace from the workspace switcher in the top left corner of the window. This will set up the tools and features specific to drawing. Step 3: In the “Drawing” workspace, click on “Create Drawing” from the “Create” menu. This will create a new drawing file associated with your design. Step 4: On Selecting a plane form the three dimensional co-ordinate, all tools for drawing will come on the top. We can select line, rectangle, circle ,elleps etc and draw accordingly. Step 5: after making the drawing , give necessary dimension to make the drawing fully constrian. Step 6: Press on ‘Finish sketch’, you will get the tools for extruding to get 3D object.

Here what I made was a clamp.I start with selecting YZ plane. I selected the starting point from the orgin point. I start with the line drawing along its length. After switching to 3D design mode, extruded it symetrically along both sides. After that, I mirror it and completed. Design file is attahed at the bottom of the page.

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Parametric design in Autodesk Fusion 360 uses of mathematical relationships and constraints between design elements to drive changes in a model. This approach allows us to make changes to a design by adjusting parameters, such as dimensions, rather than manually editing the geometry.

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Rendering is basically taking light and applying to materials in using an engine to calculate the way those are going to look in the real world

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Assembly animations: These animations show the movement and interaction of components within an assembly.

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(Download Design Files.)