Computer Controlled Cutting


WEEK - 6


As I come from a mechanical engineering background, I had limited exposure to electronics design But, I did have some familiarity with the basics, which made it easier for me to learn.

I did watch some YouTube videos and read some blogs about circuit design, to get a quick idea.

Tasks this week:

Some of the basic and common electronic components,

  1. Resistors: resists the flow of current by dissipating electric power as heat.
  1. Capacitors: The function of capacitors is to temporarily hold electric charge, and release it whenever more power is needed elsewhere in the circuit
  1. Inductors: They store energy but instead of storing electrostatic energy, inductors store energy in the form of a magnetic field that generates when current flows through them
  1. Diodes: It is a device that allows current to flow in one direction only, from the anode (+) to the cathode (-).
  1. LED: is a diode that emits light when electricity passes through it.
  1. ICs: or integrated circuits are the circuits and components that have been shrunk down onto wafers of semiconductor material
  1. Transistors: a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electrical signals and power

Ohms law

Ohms law: An increase in voltage through a circuit with a constant resistance results in an increase in current flow, and a decrease in voltage leads to a decrease in current flow.
This law is used extensively in electronics design to calculate the values of components such as resistors and to ensure that circuits are designed to operate within safe and desired voltage and current ranges. so it is worth noting.

V= I x R

this equation will be used in most cases for finding the value of the resistor

PCB designing

Electronic design software or EDA software

EDA software tools are used to create schematic diagrams, printed circuit board (PCB) layouts, and perform circuit simulations.

Some of the EDA software are:

So here for PCB designing I used Fusion 360 ECAD, since most of the projects here were done in the Fusion 360, so it was easy to learn and adapt to it as a beginner, and it is also very convenient to do all the designing in a single software, and at the end of this assignment, I would also like to check out other software like KiCad.

Schematic design

It is a circuit diagram or the functional diagram of electronic circuits. Where symbols are used to represent components and show how they are connected electrically.

here's a detailed explanation of the schematic diagram

To create a schematic diagram in Fusion 360

this opens a new window

Adding the library

Our academy instructor Jojin shared a detailed library that almost had all the components of our inventory

To add the library, Go to Library Pane, and click on Open Library Manager.

In the next window, go to In Use → Browse → select the file with .libr extension.

This week I will be using an ATTINY microcontroller, which was already added in the library,

but some components like a 6-pin head were not in the library so had to add it manually,

Creating, Editing a component

for adding a component

Go to File → New Electronics Library

In the opening tab, click on Create New Device icon and import an existing file.

I changed the names, added icons, and edited the pin and pad connections.

After saving the file, I added the device to the library.

Create a schematic diagram

Go to the Design Pane and click on Add part icon, and I added different parts for the circuit.

adding a component

Parts I added:

Using the move and rotate options, we can position various components.

we can use nets to link components with the reference image.

for adding the LED and switch

Adding the Ground and VCC.

Instead of complex wiring connections, We can use schematic parts like ground and VCC. For some connections, I used the Label tool.

In a schematic diagram, we can use symbols instead of drawing wire connections. Symbols with the same net names will automatically be connected.

DRC- Design rules

In the opening window, we can set design rules for PCB milling.

  • After setting design rules, click on apply.
  • NowReturn to Design Pane. and go to Quick Rout e→ Auto-route.

I selected Effort→ High and click on continue.

  • So to fix this, I used the "Ripup all" function to remove some of the complicated connections and rearranged the components.

you can see the PCB board in 3D with the push-to-3D option

We can hide different layers of the design(route, name, etc.) by go to Layers → Display

this is for the milling trace
this is for the cutting trace

Export milling trace

Hide all layers except the top layer. Type export in the command box and press enter.

In the opening options select an image.

In the opening box.

and then click OK.

Editing the exported file

Design files

Schematic of the PCB:

Fusion 360 file of the PCB:

Traces for milling: