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Week 15. Wildcard Week

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Image Courtesy: Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Exploring Limitless Creativity in Digital Fabrication.

Wildcard Week was a well-awaited week for me. This week is very exciting and innovative, which embraces the spirit of boundless creativity and experimentation in the realm of digital fabrication. This week, we have the unique opportunity to unleash our imagination and explore the vast possibilities offered by various digital fabrication techniques.

Assignment Tasks:

  1. Individual Assignment: Design and produce something with a digital fabrication process (incorporating computer-aided design and manufacturing) not covered in another assignment, documenting the requirements that your assignment meets, and including everything necessary to reproduce it.

Learning Process

Since I come from an interior design background, the idea of this week excites me even more. I looked through a variety of earlier students’ assignments. A few of them were shortlisted, and owing to time constraints, I finally opted for two possibilities. The first one I chose was screen printing because it was something I had always wanted to learn how to do. For me, the second option was an absolute must. Nothing but the composites, I decided during class.

Screen Printing

Screen printing, also known as silkscreen printing, is a centuries-old technique that has evolved alongside advancements in technology. It involves using a mesh screen, a stencil, and ink to print images or patterns onto different materials, such as fabric, paper, glass, and even wood. This process offers immense possibilities for expressing your creativity, as it enables you to produce visually stunning and vibrant designs with excellent precision.


Screen printing, a time-honored technique, has long been cherished for its ability to transfer intricate designs onto various surfaces. On the other hand, digital fabrication, with its array of computer-controlled machinery and precise automation, has revolutionized the way we create physical objects from digital designs. By fusing these two worlds, we can unlock a wealth of potential. In this assignment, I’m trying to combine the two strategies to create a work of art that is both creative and reproducible.

I chose to use our vinyl cutting machine to create a stencil for the design out of vinyl. To get started, we need a design, which I created in Inkscape using inspiration from a picture I found on Pinterest. The design has two distinct layers. One serves as the background, and the other is layered over it. Therefore, to print it on vinyl, we need to create two separate PNG files.

screen_printing_01 screen_printing_02

Download PNG Files here

After the design was finished, it was time to print the files. I used the Roland GX-24 with yellow vinyl. The vinyl printing procedure was discussed in Week - 03 in detail. The printing was done perfectly.

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After the printing was done, now is time to setup all the required things for the screen printing. The things we required are the

1.Mesh screen with a frame.




3.Stencil (Which we printed using vinyl).



5.Print screen (Which I chose to be my old T-shirt)

6.A backing for print (A cardboard is fine)

7.A tray for ink mixing


9.Binding Tape


Once everything is set up, the stencil needs to be pasted to the mesh first. Thanks to the vinyl with self-adhesive backing. This procedure has gotten simple due to the vinyl’s stickiness.


While sticking the vinyl to the mesh, it need to be very careful. We need to press as hard as possible so that no air bubbles comes in, which will ruin the printing process.


But I now see that the print size was incorrect. If I could have measured the frame size before printing, there wouldn’t be any gaps around the stencil because I could have printed the entire size. To prevent ink from leaking onto the T-shirt, I now need to cut extra vinyl and paste it on the remaining areas.

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The time has come to combine colours. We have a variety of shades in stock that we may use right now. However, I wanted to attempt something new, so I decided to mix colours to create a unique tint for my design. I blended white, green, and blue to create a shade for the base layer. I then added the same black to the same mixture for the leaf layer.

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For a trial run, I used an old pair of jeans that I had taken to make resin composites.

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While applying, I made a mistake here. Before using the squeegee, I let the ink sit on a small area for a while. This could clearly be seen on the jean. I now understand that the procedure should be quick and even.


After the first try, I decided to apply the same thing on my T-shirt as planned. I made a mistake here as well. The second step took some time as well, and I used the same frame without removing the ink that was already there. And I believe that’s what caused the ink to dry out and not transfer through the mesh’s pores evenly, leaving a very poor imprint.

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I cleaned the screen and squeegee fully for the next attempt.


I applied it again on the back side of the T-shirt. This time, I was more careful, and the outcome was pleasing.

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Let’s take the second layer and finish this off.

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As mentioned earlier, I added a small amount of black ink to our existing mix.


I applied the second layer with the same care as I did the first.

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And the work is completed with what appears to be a good final product. This was my first attempt at screen printing.


And if my wife sees it, I’m certain I’ll lose my T-shirt.


Hero Shot



A composite material is a combination of two materials with different physical and chemical properties. When they are combined they create a material which is specialised to do a certain job, for instance to become stronger, lighter or resistant to electricity. They can also improve strength and stiffness. The reason for their use over traditional materials is because they improve the properties of their base materials and are applicable in many situations. The individual materials, called constituents, work together to create a material that possesses unique characteristics and properties that are different from those of the individual components.

The constituents of a composite material typically include a matrix and a reinforcement. The matrix is a continuous phase that surrounds and binds the reinforcement materials. It can be a polymer, metal, ceramic, or even a combination of these materials. The reinforcement provides strength, stiffness, and other desirable properties to the composite. It can be in the form of fibers, particles, or sheets, and is usually embedded within the matrix.

Common examples of composite materials include carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP), fiberglass reinforced plastics (FRP), and reinforced concrete.

Here I am trying to make a composite out if Resin & Fabric (Old Jeans). So for this case the resin will be the Matrix materila and the fabric act as the reinforcement for this. Resin is a viscous liquid or semi-solid substance that, when cured or hardened, provides the composite material with its structural integrity. Resins can be tailored to have specific properties such as high strength, chemical resistance, and temperature stability. Fabrics, on the other hand, are typically made of fibers or natural materials like cotton or flax. These fibers provide strength and stiffness to the composite material.

The combination of resin and fabric allows for the production of lightweight, high-strength, and durable materials. Composite materials made with resin and fabrics are widely used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, wind energy, sports equipment, and boat building. They offer excellent strength-to-weight ratios, corrosion resistance, and design flexibility compared to traditional materials.

As an interior designer and building engineer, I was always excited about experimenting with new materials. So when I had the chance to try something new, I was so excited that I jumped right in. Here, I’m experimenting with some old jeans that I found in the wardrobe and adding resin, which I already have experience with from my Moulding and Casting week.

I cut it into pieces so that I could test out the entire experiment in a manageable size.


The Resin which we are using is from Aditya Brand which we already used in our Week12. All the safety precautions & technical details added in our Group page.


Now comes the challenging part. The quantity that we had to blend. We didn’t have anything to measure the quantity we needed to take, as we did the last time. I chose a random number and created a mix for it because there are numerous variables. And that proved to be the most difficult part. To complete the entire experiment, I made roughly three times as much, which required me to mix the resin in between.

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So let’s combine the two materials. The jeans and resin. I have watched a variety of videos using a variety of methods. I decided to lay the jean part first, then put the resin to that. After the jeans were laid out, I poured resin over them and spread it out evenly with a stick.

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More resin had to be mixed in between the experiments because the jeans absorbed the resin more than I had anticipated. And then, at a certain point, the resin began to overflow, at which point I realised how much resin is required. However, I still believe that the variables may vary.

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Now that the resin has been entirely poured, it is time to wrap it and remove the air so that it will stick together to form a single piece.


I wrapped the entire material twice in plastic wrap and used masking tape to cover all the sections, leaving a little space for the vacuum cleaner to suck the air out of it.


Once the air was completely removed, I used masking tape to conceal the small opening. It’s time to wait right now.


I opened everything up after eight hours to see if it had worked or not.

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And the Final Result.


I believe it worked in part. The bonding is perfect. But the shape didn’t satisfy me. The next time, I’ll probably construct a mould and modify what I have done. A predetermined shape might produce better results.


Download PNG Files here

Help Taken & Other References

Chat GPT used for doubt clearing and content helps.

How to Screen Print using Vinyl

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