Week 16 Applications and Implications
Answer below question for my final project
What will it do?
- My final project is a sensor lighting system for my guest house.
- The device detect guests and the signal sent wire-less-ly and turn on the light.
- I started running a guest house (tourist accommodation)
- Our guest house is in a mountain village. No lighting along the road
- Guests need to walk approx. 50m in the dark
Our guest house has a nice big Gate, I want to light up this to show nicely and a kind of light house when it is dark.
Lighting gradually turned on along guests approaching.
Some sensors detect guest approaching and the signal sent to mother board wire-less-ly.
Who's done what beforehand?
- I wanted wireless controlled lighting like Perttu Piirainen in 2019. But so far my skill is not such level. So this time just wire-less turn on and off.
What will you design?
- I designed below
- Case box (3D solid works)
- Case cover (2D illustrator)
- PCB (Kicad)
- Case box (3D solid works)
What materials and components will be used?
Where will come from?
How much will they cost?
- For those questions I made below table;
Materials and components | units | unit price |
total JPY |
supplier |
Battery | 5 | 995 | 4,975 | Yahoo shopping |
xiao esp32c3 | 4 | 940 | 3,790 | Akizuki |
3D Printer filament | ? | ? | 2,000 | Lab inventory |
LED tape | 5 | 330 | 1,650 | Daiso |
Battery case | 5 | 200 | 1,000 | Lab inventory |
acrylic board | 2 | 500 | 1,000 | Lab inventory |
Antenna | 4 | 243 | 972 | Amazon |
Sensor HC-SR501 | 4 | 180 | 720 | Amazon |
Relay EE2-5NUX | 6 | 100 | 600 | Akizuki |
USB type C cable | 4 | 50 | 200 | Seria |
Others | 1,000 | Lab inventory |
In total JPY 17,907. (Approx. USD 125 @USD/JPY=143)
What parts and systems will be made?
- Case box was made by 3D printing.
- Case cover was made by laser cutting.
- PCB was made by milling machine and hand soldering.
- Program was supported by Chat GPT
What processes will be used?
- 2D/3D designing on my PC
- 3D printing
- Laser cutting
- CNC wood carving (to be done)
What questions need to be answered?
- Is 5V battery sufficient for this system?
- How I can develop this? More lighting, lighting pattern and so on.
- How far esp-now can send signal in my case?
- How I can avoid unnecessary lighting like animals flying leaves?
How will it be evaluated?
- I will actually set it for my guest house, our guest might comment on our Airbnb site
- Minimum requirement is to make guest can see where is the gate from 30m distance.
Meet the requirements
- Your project should incorporate 2D and 3D design, --- yes
- additive and subtractive fabrication processes, --- yes
- electronics design and production, --- yes
- embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming, --- yes
- system integration and packaging --- yes
- Where possible, you should make rather than buy the parts of your project --- yes, I made main boards and case.
- Projects can be separate or joint, but need to show individual mastery of the skills, and be independently operable --- yes, I did this project by myself.
(End of document)