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Week16. Applications and Implications

1. Assignment and Result

Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered,
During this week I have defined in more detail my final project as following.
- What will it do? It has a function to read a member's card and turn on/off the machine based on the Mifare card’s data, and It can record the operation time.
- Who's done what beforehand? There have been several RFID device.
- Multi function AI punch the clock base on M5Stack, by vany5921
- Safe-Entry Access Machine by Team SEAM
- Tool management system, by Fab Academy 2017 student
There was a service with a similar idea called FABMAN, but I could not find the same idea for an individual project.
- What will you design? - Body of Device
- The 2D design of member's card (Mifare card)
- Board with XIAO ESP32C3, and other board
- What materials and components will be used?
- Where will come from?
Refer to below "2.BOM"
- How much will they cost? About ¥24,000 (JPY), about the details, refer to below "2.BOM".
Prioritizing reliability, I used a high-brand switching power supply (RWS50B-5) and AC inlet (FN281-4-06), but I think a lower-priced power supply would have reduced the total cost by about ¥5000 JPY.
- What parts and systems will be made? Create the outbox with a 3D printer and laser cutting. Make the board by myself. Power is supplied from the USB terminal on the control integrated circuit board, and the 5V terminal on the XIAO ESP32C3 board is used as an output power supply for relay operation rather than as an input; reads the UID on the Mifare card with RFID2 and operates the LCD, audio, and SSR according to the status of registered users, unregistered users, and expiration date.
- What processes will be used? Answer by below "3"
- What questions need to be answered? In performing a series of flows, does the machine ensure idempotency?
- How will it be evaluated? Read the UID of Mifare card with RFID2 and check if LCD, voice and SSR work correctly according to registered/non-registered and expiration date.
Your project should incorporate 2D and 3D design,
- additive and subtractive fabrication processes,
- electronics design and production,
- embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming,
- system integration and packaging
Done -> The details in Final project development
Where possible, you should make rather than buy the parts of your project Done
Projects can be separate or joint, but need to show individual mastery of the skills, and be independently operable -

2. BOM

Total: ¥15,730 (JPY)

Part name Q'ty Unit Price Sub Total Where to buy
Solid State Module 
1 ¥1,000 ¥1,000 Akizuki
DC Fan 5V 1 ¥280 ¥280 Akizuki
Power Supply (RWS50B-5) 1 ¥5,600 ¥5,600 Digikey
Ac inlet (FN281-4-06) 1 ¥4,000 ¥4,000 Digikey
AC code 3pin 1 ¥900 ¥900 Monotarou
Wall outlet 1 ¥600 ¥600 Monotarou
Wifi Antenna 2.4GHz 5.8G 1 set ¥250 ¥250 Amazon
USB 1.0cable typeC 1 ¥100 ¥100 100 yen shop
USB 3.0cable typeA 1 ¥900 ¥900 Amazon
USB Extension Cable 2 ¥900 ¥1,800 Amazon
Wire (as needed)     - ¥300 ¥300 Amazon

- Prioritizing reliability, a high-brand switching power supply (RWS50B-5) and AC inlet (FN281-4-06) were used, but I think a low-cost power supply could have been procured for half the price.
- RFID2: Select this product that are not regulated by Japanese radio laws.

2-2) Electronics production

Main Board

Total: ¥1,774 (JPY)

Parts Quantity Unit price Sub Total Where to buy
Proto Board FR1 1/3 board ¥1,600 ¥534 DigiKey
Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 1 ¥940 ¥940 Akizuki
PinHeader_1x04_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD 3 ¥30 ¥90 Akizuki
PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD 1 ¥30 ¥30 Akizuki
Photocoupler TLP293 1 ¥30 ¥30 Akizuki
LED 1206 1 ¥20 ¥20 Akizuki
Switch Buttom Omron B3SN 1 ¥20 ¥20 Akizuki
Resistor 1k ohm 1 ¥20 ¥20 DigiKey
Resistor 470 ohm 1 ¥50 ¥50 DigiKey
Resistor 0 ohm 2 ¥20 ¥40 DigiKey

Sound board

Total: ¥2,170 (JPY)

Parts Quantity Unit price Sub Total Where to buy
Proto Board FR1 1/4 board ¥1,600 ¥400 DigiKey
DFplayer mini(DFR0299) 1 ¥810 ¥810 DigiKey
Speaker unit (8Ω 0.5W) 1 ¥120 ¥120 Akizuki
PinHeader_1x04_P2.54mm_Vertical 1 ¥30 ¥30 Akizuki
PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical 1 ¥30 ¥30 Akizuki
SD card (32GB) 1 ¥780 ¥780 Amazon

NOTE: I think SD card could have been less expensive as I didn't need 32GB

Card reader /LCD connect board

Total: ¥2,055 (JPY)

Parts Quantity Unit price Sub Total Where to buy
Proto Board FR1 1/4 board ¥1,600 ¥400 DigiKey
RFID2 (U031-B) 1 ¥679 ¥679 DigiKey
LCD Module(AE-AQM1602A(KIT)) 1 ¥780 ¥780 Akizuki
PinHeader_1x04_P2.54mm_Vertical 3 ¥30 ¥90 Akizuki
Mifare card 1 ¥106 ¥106 Amazon

2-3) Body parts

Total: ¥3.952 (JPY)

Part name Q'ty Unit Price Sub Total Where to buy
Filament (PLA) Polyterra PLA 1.75mm 0.80 ¥3,300 (1kg) ¥2,640 Polymaker
Filament (ABS+) eSUN 1.75mm 0.05 ¥2,400 (1kg) ¥120 Amazon
Acrylic Sheet t2x160x180 1 ¥270 d ¥270 Amazon
Insert Nuts M3x4mm x L 4mm 46 ¥10 ¥460 Amazon
Insert Nuts M4x6mm x L 6mm 10 ¥30 ¥300 Amazon
Screw M3x6 16 ¥3 ¥48 Misumi
Screw M3x8 4 ¥3 ¥12 Misumi
Screw M3x10 12 ¥3 ¥36 Misumi
Screw M3x12 2 ¥3 ¥6 Misumi
Screw M3x15 10 ¥3 ¥30 Misumi
Screw M3x16 2 ¥3 ¥6 Misumi
Screw M4x15 2 ¥3 ¥6 Misumi
Washer M3 4 ¥3 ¥12 Misumi
Washer M4 2 ¥3 ¥6 Misumi
  • NOTE:
    • Filaments were converted to actual amount used.
    • ABS is used only for mounts where parts tend to generate heat. (ex: SSR mount base)

3. What parts and systems will be made? / What processes will be used?

topic Plan
2D design Members' card design
3D design Outbox and feed design
Subtractive - Laser cutting A part of outbox
Subtractive - CNC milling Board and feet milling
Additive - 3D printing Outbox
Electronics Design Design a XIAO ESP32 board
Embedded Programming Embedded Programming with XIAO ESP32 board
molding and casting Create feet
output devices DFplayer & speaker, LCD, Fan
input devices RFID2
networking and communications Networking with XIAO ESP32 board

4. My thought

This week seems easy, but it is not, too. This was the week to identify my final project. I had to edit the BOM and my article a lot.