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- Original development board

I designed my original development board with ATtiny414, with LED and Pushbutton switch.
For the test, I made and used Bridge Serial FT230XS and Serial to UPDI in "Programmers Summary of FabAcademy".

Start create the board. The process is below.

1. ATtiny414 Board, LED & switchehes

I had made the original board in pre-study, but I had used through-hole components for the LEDs and pushbutton switches. I was advised in open time to recreate it with SMD components, so I decided to rebuild them. alt text

The process is as follows.

At first, I edit Schematic, using Kicad. (The usage of Kicad is the same as that described in Week 06, so it will be omitted.)

1-1) Schematic

alt text

  • The Footprint
    • change SMD LED and SMD Button. alt text

1-2) Board design

I made board design below, then did "Ground Plane (Filled Zone)".
Right click below menu and choose "Fill all zone". alt text

  • In Copper Zone Properties
    • Layder F.Cu
    • Net: GND
    • Shape: check for "Constrain outline to H, V and 45 degrees"
    • Electrical Propertiews: Clearance: 1.2
    • others: default
      alt text
  • Select area, and click "Fill all zone"
    alt text
  • Ground Plane (Filled Zone) is done.
    alt text

Useful link:
- KiCAD Ground Plane (Filled Zone)
- KiCad 6: Ground Plane (Filled Zone)

DRC check:
- With DRC check, Below 2 errors unconnecting was appeared, but Registor 0 which I just want to jumb the wire. Therefore DRC check is done! alt text

1-3) BOM

parts Amount
FR1 1
ATtiny414 1
pushbutton switch, SMD TS-06104 3
Capacitor 1μF 1
Resistor 1kΩ 3
Resistor 0Ω 2
Pin header 2x03 P2.54 Vertical SMD 1

Let's move to create Tool path.

1-4) Tool path (V Carve Pro)

  • Create path with Vcarve pro.

1-5) Milling

  • Mill the board with Roland MDX-40A using VPanel software.

Milling Trace and cut Outline. (The photo is during cut outline.) alt text - Done! alt text

about more details -> MDX-40A, using V Panel

1-6) Soldering

- Prepare electrical parts

alt text

- Datasheet check

  • Before Soldering, check the datasheet for components that need attention. About Button, I did tester check with Parallel and diagonal (button ON/OFF). alt text

- Solder

  • Need to consider before solder, which part is first to solder with image training.
    • Small parts -> Large parts
    • Inside -> Outside
  • Start Soldering. Pay attention of LED anodes and cathodes with Board design. alt text
  • Using flux, it become easier to solder. alt text
  • Solder Button. Pay attention of datasheet and Board design. alt text
  • Solder ATtiny414. As the feet are closely spaced and thin, try to solder them neatly to avoid shorting them out.
    alt text

1-7) Data file

ATtiny414 board Kicad

1-8) Add NOTE on 4-June

  • Later I learned that It is not good idea to use buttons connecting them directly to VCC. You should use pull-up or pull-down resistor. Otherwise, when button is not pressed undesired voltage might be induced in the microcontroller detecting wrong values.

My original board is made, but for the test, I need to make Bridge Serial FT230XS and Serial to UPDI in "Programmers Summary of FabAcademy".

2. Bridge Serial FT230XS

During Pre-study, I made this board.

Process to made

  • Get the PCB design (PNG file) from "Bridge Serial FT230XS" in Programmers Summary of FabAcademy.
  • Open Illustrator or Inkscape, and rendering PNG file at 1000 DPI.
  • Delete unnecessary path (like below) in the image, and export by dxf. alt text
    • Trace the image(Black and white logo).
    • Change Fill(NONE) and Line(Black, width 0.25).
    • Delete unnecessary path
    • Export by dxf
  • Create tool Path
  • Milling
  • Soldering
  • Tester check
  • Done!
    alt text

Bridge Serial FT230XS" in Programmers Summary of FabAcademy alt text

3. Serial to UPDI

  • During Pre-study, I made this board. At that time, I was not used to solder, so the solder flowed and was very dirty.
  • The creation procedure is the same as above. Difference is which board data to get in Programmers Summary of FabAcademy.

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Serial to UPDI in Programmers Summary of FabAcademy alt text

4. Programming with Arduino IDE

Programming to ATtiny412 using Arduino IDE, requires a core for the MegaTinyCore. So I start install it.

4-1) Install "MegaTinycore"

  • Open Arduino IDE > setting > preferences Add the following URL to the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" alt text

  • Go to Tools > Boards > Board Manager search "megaTinyCore" and install alt text

4-2) Board & Chip

  • Choose Board Tools > Board > choose ATtiny414 is included alt text
  • Choose Chip Tools > chip ATtiny414 alt text

4-3) PC to Board

Check PCB power, GND, and signal locations and make connections to avoid shorts alt text
alt text
Once connected and the USB port is recognized, go to the next step.
alt text

check which Pin on Arduino IDE for my board.
alt text

4-4) Programming Code

I made this Programming Code with GPT-4 of ChatGPT.I had to repeat the question many times because I did not put the right keywords in the code that ChatGPT made and the error or LED did not light up.

#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {
    pinMode(1, OUTPUT);              // LED 1 pin is specified as output
    pinMode(2, OUTPUT);              // LED 2 pin is specified as output
    pinMode(3, OUTPUT);              // LED 3 pin is specified as output
    pinMode(7, INPUT);        // SW 7 pin changed to input_pullup
    pinMode(6, INPUT);        // SW 6 pin changed to input_pullup
    pinMode(5, INPUT);        // SW 5 pin changed to input_pullup

void loop() {
    if(digitalRead(7) == HIGH){        // LED 1 turn on, when push SW 7
        digitalWrite(1, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(1, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(1, LOW);
    } else {
        digitalWrite(1, LOW);

    if(digitalRead(6) == HIGH){        // LED 2 turn on, when push SW 6
        digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(2, LOW);
    } else {
        digitalWrite(2, LOW);

    if(digitalRead(5) == HIGH){        // LED 3 turn on, when push SW 5
        digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(3, LOW);
        digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(3, LOW);
    } else {
        digitalWrite(3, LOW);


- ATtiny414

- LED osxx120641e

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- Button: SMD TS-06104

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