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- MkDocs

1. What is MkDocs?

MkDocs is a useful library that automates the coding process when creating simple web pages.

2. Features of MKDocs

  • Can create web pages even if you cannot write HTML or CSS (knowledge of HTML and CSS is required if you want to make detailed arrangements)
  • Text is written in markdown format
  • There are theme (website design) templates that make it easy to create beautiful web pages.
  • Design arrangements can be managed with a simple description on a single yaml file
  • html files can be output and users can immediately use the web page

3. The flow of Installing MkDocs

I learned and installed as same as Setting up MkDocs on fabcloud

  1. Installed Homebrew (version 3.6.17)
    from here-> Homebrew
  2. Installed Python (version: 3.11.1)
  3. Installed pip (version 22.3.1)
  4. Installed Mkdocs (version 1.4.2)

4. Customize Mkdocs

To make the Mkdocs much easier to see, I refer to useful links MkDocs Themes and configuration for MkDocs . Then, I changed file of mkdocs.yml as flow.

4-1) Installed Theme "material"

I installed the theme of Material for MkDocs with pip:

pip install mkdocs-material

4-2) Customize MkDocs

I edit and add the lines to file of mkdocs.yml as follows.

alt text

sample code

site_name: Hiroe Takeda - Fab Academy

site_dir: "public"

  name: material

  - content.code.copy

    primary: teal
    scheme: slate

# Copyright
copyright: Copyright © 2023 Hiroe Takeda - Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial

5. Command of MkDocs (at lease)

Create new project(NOTE:project name → xxxxxx)

mkdocs new xxxxx

Change current directory to xxxxxx folder

cd xxxxx

Build the project

mkdocs build

Start server

mkdocs serve

Output to HTML file

mkdocs build

Shutting down the local server, Ctrl+C in a running terminal

6. Editing the text

When editing the text, add and edit the file (extension:*.md).
< Example > alt text