Project Development

Have you answered these questions?

What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

The structure of the project has been build and all the necessary component and module have been integrated but My code is not complete cause I need to implement in the code the extern module of sensor for automatic scoring when a team has scored a point.

After FabAcademy is finished, I will continue to update my final project at Fab Lab INP-HB And get a nice project and commercial.

So :

** These are tasks which have been completed **

** These are tasks remaining **

What has worked? what hasn’t?

What has worked?

What hasn’t?

What questions need to be resolved?

What have you learned?

I have learned a lot about mcu protocol communication and the management of task in a programming. I can list some things like : - Good use of bluetooth module - How to use arduino to program an ESP01 - More about the 3D printing especially to improve the quality of printing - How to process with a laser cutter

Overall fabacademy has been fantastic and provided me with a lot of foundational knowledge and lab knowhow that will allow me to take my skills to the next level and above all one of the better learning method.