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01. Principles and practices & Project management

Part one : Assignments

Groupe assignment

No group assignment

Individual project

  • Principles and Practices

  • Plan and sketch a potential final project.

  • Project Management

  • Build a personal site describing you and your final project.

  • Upload it to the class archive.
  • Work through a git tutorial.


  • Sketch my final project idea
  • Describe briefly what it will do and who will use it
  • Make a website and describe how I will do it
  • Create a section about myself on my website
  • Add a page with a sketch and description of my final project idea
  • Documente steps for setting up my Git repository and add files to it
  • Push to my class GitLab repository
  • Sign and upload Student Agrement

Part two : What I did

Individual project

  1. My final project

    My final project is “Akuna Cube”

  2. Project Management

    2.1. Prerequistes

    • Install Python

      Step_01: Open a browser to the Python website and download the Windows installer. Python

      Jean-Nicaise AKAFFOU

      Step_02: Double click on the downloaded file and install Python for all users, and ensure that Python is added to your path. Click on Install now to begin

      Jean-Nicaise AKAFFOU

      Step_03: Click Close to end the installation.

      Jean-Nicaise AKAFFOU

    • Install VS code

      Step_01: Open a browser to the Visual Studio code website and download the Windows installer. Visual Studio code

      Step_02: Double click on the downloaded file and install Visual StudiovCode for all users.

      Step_03: Click Close to end the installation.

    2.2. Install and use Git

    • We need to know what is Git and GitLab

      • Git : version control system, to locally treck changes in our project/folder and push and pull changes from repositories like GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab.

      • GitLab : service that allow to host project on a romote repository and have additional features to help in SDLC and CI,CD.

    • Create an account on Gitlab and sign up Gitlab

      • For the Fab Academy I alreaady have an account. this step is not usefull.
    • Download and install Git

    • Add your Git username and set your email

      • git config –-global “jean.akaffou”
      • git config –-global
      • git config -–global “”
      • git config –-global
      • git config –global –list
    • Setup SSH key in GitLab

      SSH stand for Secured SHell. Used for authentification. By setting ssh key I can connect to GitLab without using username and password each time.

      • Check if you have an SSH KEY already cat ~/.ssh/ (If you see a long string starting with ssh-rsa, you can skip the ssh-keygen step)
      • Generate your SSH key ssh-keygen -t rsa -C “$your_email”
      • Now let´s see your keygen cat ~/.ssh/
      • Copy your key (for windows) clip < ~/.ssh/
      • Finally add the copied key to GIT on the web version. Watch this tutorial

    2.3. Create my website

    • Go to GitLab

      • Go to Gitlab and log in.
      • Create New project/ repository (For fab academy, there is already a project created)
      • Clone your repository in local folder, using Visual Code studio.
      • setup Mkdocs and plug-in
      • Create a site
      • open your site in local server
    • Use a template to enhance your website

    • Modifie your website

    2.4. Push to my class GitLab repository

    • How Git works

    Jean-Nicaise AKAFFOU

    • Git commands

      • git status
      • git add .
      • git commit -m “my commit message”
      • git push


<! * Final Project >

Last update: July 7, 2023