WEEK 18. Projet Development¶
Individual assignment: Have you answered these questions?
What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain? What has worked? what hasn’t? What questions need to be resolved? What will happen when? What have you learned?
I- What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
All the tasks have been completed, but I’m planning to add some new features to my robot after Fab Academy 2023.
II- What has worked? what hasn’t?
For the most part, everything worked, but the week of communication and interface made me a little more tired.
at the start, the creation and manipulation of the website made me tired.
III- What questions need to be resolved?
- how to do deep learning with raspberry pi?
- how to properly calibrate a laser cutting machine?
- how to make a successful mold?
- how to make a good printed circuit board?
IV- What will happen when?
after the Fab academy I plan to make:
- an in-depth study of the machines in my Fab Lab
- a numerically controlled machine.
- an 8-wheel drive cube-shaped robot
- improve my Final Project by adding more autonomy features.
V- What have you learned?
I learned a lot during this training. I site them:
3D modeling with :
- Fusion 360;
- Solidworks;
- freecad;
- V carve Pro
- fusion 360 ;
- solidworks;
- fusion Slicer
- Prusa Slicer
- Ultimaker Slicer
- Vcarve Pro
- Shopbot software
- Epilog Software
- microcontroller
- learned communication devices
- web site development
- i learned how to manage a time in lab.