Applications and implications
1.1Assignments of the Week
Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered. Your project should incorporate:
a.2D and 3D design
b.Additive and subtractive fabrication processes
c.Electronics design and production
d.Embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming
e.System integration and packaging.
Develop a Project Plan by Answering Questions Below
1、What will it do?
I am a recent graduate in animation, and I am passionate about digital multimedia interactive art, which is why I joined the Fab Academy. My final project is an emotional release device. When rendering animations, my computer often crashes during the process, leading to frustration and anger. Due to budget constraints, I cannot immediately replace it with a more expensive computer. Therefore, I want to create a device to vent my anger. When the computer crashes, I can release my frustration by hitting this device. After being hit, the device will automatically send an angry feedback email to the computer company. The LCD screen on the device will also display a crying face and the message 'Email Sent' after being hit. This will help me better release my anger.

2、Who has done what beforehand?
2.1 I have never seen an interactive installation on this theme.However, I want my device to be robust enough to withstand my pounding, so I designed it in the shape of a button. I searched online for some reference images of buttons.

2.2 I knew nothing about the Internet of Things (IoT), so I took the initiative to learn how to send emails through the IoT for my project.
3、 What will you design?
3.1 Appearance: In the shape of a button, I won't incorporate too many decorations to ensure the durability of the product. To prevent injury during pounding, I'll create a mold for it to obtain a silicone button.
3.2 Function: I can vent my frustration by hitting this device. The device will automatically send an angry feedback email to the computer company. Meanwhile, after being hit, the LCD screen will display a crying face and show the message "Email Sent." This will help me release my anger.
4、What materials and components will be used?
4.1 Materials: 3d printing filament、Silica gel、sticker、screw.
4.2 Components: Microcontrol board(Xiao ESP-32)、Screen、压力传感器.
5、Where will they come from?
5.1 Some from our lab, others I need to buy on Taobao.
6、 How much will they cost?
6.1 About 150 RMB
7、What parts and systems will be made?
7.1 Button: A silicone material ensures that my hand won't get injured.
7.2 Sturdy Base: A robust base that won't break due to applying excessive force.
8、What processes will be used?
8.1 Mold Making for the Silicone Button and Fabrication of the Button Itself
8.2 Modeling and 3D Printing of the Base
8.3 Input and output testing.
8.4 Integret them together.
8.5 Test and modify.
8.6 Applying maximum force to the device to test its resilience.
9、What questions need to be answered?
9.1 Can it truly withstand my powerful strikes?
9.2 Will my hand get injured after striking the device?
9.3 Will my anger decrease after striking the device?
10、How will it be evaluated?
10.1 Able to successfully send emails.
10.2 Able to successfully display the text I want on the screen.
10.3 The design meets my requirements.