1. The use of git

This week I get to know what is git about and how it works.


Pair with SSH

Adding an SSH key to your GitLab account: Sign in http://gitlab.com.,select avatar in the upper right corner, and click Settings, then Click SSH Keys.Paste the public key that you copied into the Key text box.

upload get the ssh done. upload after ssh is done I copy the the repo. upload Now I can work locally. upload

I can commit change, pull and push now. upload

Trouble Shooting

During the fabacademy time,I did have manyproblems while using git.

I have 2 windows PC and a mac working togather, sometimes I made mistakes didnt pull first I just did the push. I get used after making any many mistakes

Some tines when I push I mistakenly made a new branch, and it can't merge with the main one.

When I having a mess with the different sync and branch, git rebase is a powerfull tool for my situation.

Also whten

the idea is a pillow stops your snore.