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Invention, intellectual property and income

Dissemination Plan

Our main goal for the “ey broody” egg incubator is to develop and produced it within the togolese FabLab network and comercialzed it locally in a distributed fabrication way. This to help in found raising for our Network.

Apart from that the plan is to increase awareness and interest in the “ey broody” egg incubator, which will result in higher product adoption and sales. To achieve this, we will educate our target audience about the unique features, benefits, and value proposition of the product. Our strategies to achieve this goal include establishing a strong online presence through a dedicated website and social media platforms, collaborating with influential individuals in the poultry farming and hobbyist communities, participating in relevant trade shows, exhibitions, and agricultural fairs, targeting educational institutions, leveraging print and digital media channels, and implementing a customer referral program. We will regularly monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of each strategy to improve our approach.

After reading about the licenses on the Creative Commons website, I have decided to put my project under CC BY-SA.

CC licence

Under the CC BY-SA license, anyone is free to share, adapt, remix, and build upon the licensed work for any purpose, even commercially. This license encourages the creation of derivative works by permitting modifications, translations, or adaptations of the original material.

SA: However, it requires that the resulting work be distributed under the same license terms, meaning that any modifications or adaptations must be shared under the CC BY-SA license as well.

BY: The license requires attribution, so anyone using the work must give appropriate credit to the original creator. This ensures recognition of the original author’s contribution and provides transparency regarding the source of the work. Additionally, the license requires that any public distribution or display of the work includes a copy or a link to the license itself.

The CC BY-SA license promotes the principles of collaboration, openness, and sharing, enabling a vibrant ecosystem of creativity and knowledge. It fosters a community where individuals can freely contribute to and build upon the creative works of others, facilitating the growth and dissemination of culture and ideas.

Draft summary slide and video

Requirements : * Slide: * File presentation.png * 1920x1080 resolution * Video * presentation.mp4 * 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB


