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4. Electronics production

This week I immersed myself in the world of etching PCB, soldering surface mounted components and blink LED on a circuit.

My assignments for this week were :

Group assignment:

  • Characterize the design rules for your in-house PCB production process: document feeds, speeds, plunge rate, depth of cut (traces and outline) and tooling
  • Document the workflow for sending a PCB to a board house
  • Document your work to the group work page and reflect on your individual page what you learned

Individual assignment :

  • Make and test a microcontroller development board

Group AssignmentšŸ’”

Please follow this link for the group assignement documentation.

Individual AssignmentšŸ’”

Base on the work of Quentorres-by Adrian i try to cut my first PCB.

Milling PCB

I had to use the following parameters :

PCB Isolation Routing V-Bits

PCB: CutOut tool End Mill

PCB Hole tool Drill

Bit Type: V-Bit

flat-end Mill


Bit Size: 0.3 mm

1.16 mm


cut depth: -0.1

-0.4 mm

-1.8 mm

max depth: -0.1

-1.8 mm

-1.8 mm

cut speed: 4 mm/s

4 mm/s

4 mm/s

Plung speed: 4 mm/s

4 mm/s

4 mm/s


Knowing the adventure that awaits me in the Fab Academy with soldering SMD PCBs, I decided to practice soldering with an SMD soldering kit using soldering with a soldering iron and also with soldering iron and liquid tin.

Then I applied his knowledge to my project.

Code Example

I had to test this code to make an LED blink. The led is connected to PIN 26

void setup() {
  // initialize digital pin 26 as an output (pin26).

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(26, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(26, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second


Last update: May 7, 2024