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18. Project Development

Task: Complete your final project tracking your progress.

What tasks have been completed?

  • The most time-consuming work is done - the watch case and the gear system. They are ready and operational.

  • Also written a program for the operation of a stepper motor

  • Ready dials and hands

  • Design and fabrication of a board for stepper driver

  • Incorporate 3 different voltage values 12v, 5v, 3.3v with one power supply

  • Board design and fabrication for DFPlayer Mini

  • Changing the design of the Hall sensor board

What tasks remain?

  • Hall sensor stand design and 3D printing

  • Speaker stand design and 3D printing

  • It also remains to add a place for landing the Hall sensor on the watch case

What has worked? what hasn’t?

The gear system, which was pre-organized, missed the transmission for the reason that the gear was attached to the axle by friction. I fixed this by connecting two aligned gears together and then connecting them to the axle.

I had the task that the stepper motor had to constantly make revolutions. And besides, the microcontroller had to receive values ​​from the Hall sensor, and if the value was less than the specified value, then the piezobase should have been turned on with a certain frequency and a certain duration. The piezobase was turned on using the delay() function. And the delay() function stopped the movement of the stepper motor. But fortunately, using the TaskScheduler library solved this issue.

What questions need to be resolved?

Assembling the whole system and setting up work in a common set, namely, I had two tests done: the first one included a system for working a common system using piezobase instead of DFPlayer Mini and a separately working DFPlayer Mini connected to it by a speaker.

I have to replace the DFPlayer Mini base with a speaker connected to it and get the system working.

What will happen when?

  • Model the attachment parts for the speaker and hall sensor, and also print them with 3d printer - until June 2.

  • Assembling the entire system, calibrating and programming - until June 4th.

  • Preparation of the slide and video of the final presentation - until June 7th.

What have you learned?

I learned how to organize an electronics system depending on the task namely how to integrate different voltages in one project and organize wiring. I also had to rethink and redo my gear attachment method since the initial one didn’t work. So I learned the value of a good experiment before proceeding to production of quantity. I also learned how to use machines for my purposes.

Last update: June 17, 2023