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1. Principles and Practices, Project Management

Principles and practices

I don’t remeber exactly when the personal quadrocopters started to appear in our lives and become widely available bus since I saw them I wanted to know how they work and how they are able to keep balance without interaction. For example they can hover in air and compensate the wind fluctuations. Or if you make a sharp turn they can measure the angular forces exerted on the drone and adjust the trust on each motor accordingly.


Things I want to try: - Test and maybe add to my drone the new Toroidal Propeller by MIT guys that can operate drone more quietly than current propellers.

  • Make retractable landing gear

  • Make special arms that can extend and change their characteristics.

  • Try to make it cheap

Things I worry about:

  • Limited time

  • Amount of knowledge necessary to learn how to make it happen

  • To spend too much money

Project Management

As part of my training at Fab Academy, I was given access to a repository on GitLab, which contained a ready-made Fab Academy student block template written in MarkDown. In this block, I’m going to share with you the basic commands that I used to work with a Git repository.


In my research work, I used the work of last year’s Fab Lab Armenia-Dilijan students Ashod Bzdigian and Onik Babajanyan.

Programs that are needed for work

  • To work with the GitLab repository, we need the git bash command line. It can be downloaded here. The installation process is easy, you just need to follow the instructions.

  • Second, we need a code editor. I use Visual Studio Code for my work. Easy to download, easy to install.

Commands needed to work with Git

There are two ways to interface with git repository one is SSH key the other one is https protocol. I decided to use https since I was used to work with it.

  • Cloning the repository local server (to your computer)

I started by creating the global user with this two commands

git config "You Name"
git config ""

Open a Git Bush terminal where we want to clone the repository, and then type the following command

  • Go to folder

    Then you need to go to the folder that was downloaded from the repository
  • File tracking

    In order for us to know what changes we made to the file, we need to tell Git to watch our files.
git add .

And now any changes in the files will be noticed by Git.

  • Status check

Then when we have made changes in our project, we can find out about all the changes with the following command

git status
  • Committing changes

1. We type the command again to commit the changes
git add .

(This command commits changes to all files at once)

2. Then make a commit
git commit -m "COMMIT"
3. Now it remains to push the changes to the repository
git push

To commit the next changes, we will need the last three steps (Commit changes), and you can also check the status.

Working in Visual Studio Code

I used VS Code as my code editor. I like it because it is very convenient to use, Git Bush commands can be written directly from the editor. Git Bush commands

Here is a good opportunity to immediately see how the code written by us will look on the site page. This is done by pressing the button Open Preview

Open Preview

There is a great Cheat Sheet for writing HTML tags using the MarkDown syntax.

I decided to change my favicon (the small icon that appears next to the name of a website on the tab of a browser). In order to do that you should open the mkdocs.yml file in code editor and find line that reads favicon.

PLace favicon

Next I went to Fontawsome icons a collection of commonly used web friendly icons. There are lot of categories like coding, art etc. I searched for “gear” in all categories and choose the one I like.

gear search

and downloaded the svg file and place it in images folder.

gear download

Renamed the file name in mkdocs.yml file

Change favicon

Now let’s change the color of the website menu. This can also be done in the mkdocs.yml file. The menu color corresponds to the theme:palette:primary: property. Let’s change its value to blue grey.

Change theme

Other color values can be found here


I had a prior experience in web development environments. The new thing I learned was markdown and mkdocs it makes everything easier than when you work with HTML CSS React JS etc… I enjoyed working with markdown and building my personal website. I customized my website changed color, favicon added images.

Last update: April 27, 2023