About me

My name is Maxime Richard and I currently live in Armenia. I am Swiss and grew up in a small city close to Lausanne.
I am attending the Fab Academy in order to join the community of Makers. My goal is to acquire the skills necessary to be able to design solutions to practical problems.
My name is Maxime Richard and I currently live in Armenia. I am Swiss and grew up in a small city close to Lausanne.
I am attending the Fab Academy in order to join the community of Makers. My goal is to acquire the skills necessary to be able to design solutions to practical problems.
After studying chemistry, I went on to study pedagogy in order to become teacher. In the meantime, I replaced my mandatory military service with a civil service where I worked in an non-profit organisation that uses and adapts technology for people with disabilities. If we were using off-the-shelf solutions, I think that this is a field where Fab Lab solutions could prove very useful. After a few years working as a teacher, I am now developing solo a video game.
Last update:
March 1, 2023