Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income


patent types

For a patent for my project I want a creative commons license, this way I could commercialize my project and make money off of it if I truly wanted too. And as for which kind of creative common license I will go with a (Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International)[] this way anyone can build on my project and improve it in any way they want but if anyone does, they have to cite me along with not using it for any profit of their own just in case I do try and sell my project.

Dissemination plan

As a way to spread my project I would use social media such as Instagram, YouTube, and ticktocks. I can use ticktock and Instagram to bring people in and their interest into the project as I improve it, and can use YouTube as a way to show people how its made and its capabilities, so that people might want to make it themselves or buy one.

Slide and Video
