1. Project management


  • work through a git tutorial
  • build a personal site in the class archive describing you and your final project
  • plan and sketch a potential final project


Throughout The Week

Setting Up Website

I started this week out by setting up git lab and all the software I will need for Fab Academy such as gitbash, OBS studio, corel draw, VS code, mk docks.
Once I got all those programs downloaded I logged into GitLab through the account Fab Academy made for me. Then following Teddy Warners Site made an SSH key for my gitlab account by using this code $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@example.com" and then saving it to my repo file. I then cloned the whole repository to VS Code through the clone VS-code, SSH key option. After that I could edit the code in VS-code and push it back to gitlab. Next I set up my site by using the template that was given to me and MK docks/HTML to personalize it to my needs with the help of Adam Stone's Doccumentation. Using MkDocs I downloaded the theme for my template and changed all the pictures to the pictures that I took for my documentation, using the code ![image](../image-path). Then I changed all the text so that the information needed was their.


This is me in my git lab account cloning my code into VS code through an SSH key. This allows me to edit all of my code in HTML straight from VS code.


This is my repo code from Git lab that I cloned into VS code so I can edit the html and mkdocs code. With this I can pull code from the main branch or push my new code to the main branch. I Can see the history of all the changes I made and go back and fix anything I may have messed up.


This is my terminal running the git commands to add the changes to my site. After I change my code to be what I want I start with a git add . which puts my changes on the same stage. After that I call git commit -m "message" which takes all my git adds and stages them together and puts them all under the same file of change with a message or title that I get to choose. Lastly I use git push which pushes my commit to the main branch of code in GIT LAB.

Final Project Planning

This pages show the clock as a whole. I started with what I wanted it to look like so I did not think about how it would work at first. The hardest part about this project is the up and down system because I need a quick and easy method to move the blocks up and down while also being cost and time effieceint.

Thats why I though up using servos becuase they are quick, reliable and accurate. Then for how the servo will move it I remebered gears amd how with their teeth they can push stuff up and down so I decided to go with what is drawn above.

As you can see I want to make a key pad that turns the clock into a timer for whatevr time you set. there will be a mini led LCD display so you can see what time you have put in and once that happens you can hit start to start the timer. I would also like to add a switch that makes the whole clock lay flush with the case and then turn it off.

For the case I am thinking just a normal tab box made out of white acryic thats around 3 feet by 1 foot big. for the blocks that move up and down I want to resin 3D print 1 then mold it and cast the rest. The blocks will be hollow on inside for more space.

This last page is a basic sketch of one servo system put together with the servo turning the gear and the gear pushing the dowl up and down. I will need to make 30 of these for the whole clock.


This week I learned all about Git and how it works with repositories, clones and branches. Along with that I started to begin the planning for my final Project with basic sketches and rough ideas with how it works. What I have drawn now might not be what I make in the end because that's up to what I can actually do once I have learned more.