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15. Wildcard Week

This week is Wildcard Week, I choose to use to use the Brother SE600 which is a embroidering and sewing machine.

Work Flow

To start of I watched these two videos one and two. The first video showed me how to wind a bobbin and the second video showed me how to embroider. After watching both videos I got this workflow from Adam and Griffin and I added to it the Ink Stitch steps.


It create a file that would work with the Brother we could either use the Ink Scape extintion Ink Stitch or Sew Art. I used Ink Stitch. I downloaded Ink Scape from this link and then Ink Stitch from this link. I then just followed the steps on the second link to get Ink Stitch on my Ink Scape.

Ink Stitch

To create my file I copied and pasted an image of the red angry bird from the internet. I choose this one:

I then went to Path>Trace Bitmap. This pulled up the Trace Bitmap settings and these are what I selected:

This is what my Bitmap menu looked like:

I then clicked Extensions>Ink/Stitch>Params. This pulled up a parameter menu that I didn’t change anything about and then a render of the toolpath it will use to ebroider. You can see both of those here:

I then saved the file as a pes and a svg. The PES file is the file I need for embroidering and the SVG file is in case I want to go back and edit the file in Ink Scape.

Using the Brother SE600

Using the Brother SE600 there are 4 main things to setup before you run the machine. First you set up the USB, you want to set this up first so that you can see what colors you will need in what order. This is helpful because you can either choose to set up all Bobbins you need at the start or each one when you need that specific color. Setting up the Bobbin is next, you want to do this step before you set up the hook because you need the Bobbin for the machine to embroider and you would have to undo the hook to do the Bobbin. Then you want to thread the hook and final set up the hoop. If you are confused by any of my seps watch the two videos and look at the work flow.


Once you plug in the USB you need to get to the home page of the Brother, they best way to get to the home screen is to click the back arrow button until your there. Then you want to click the usb icon in the bottom right corner. If your turning the machine on it might tell you that the machine was moving parts and to stay safe, you want to read that and click okay. It might also ask you if you want to recall memory, click yes if you want to use your last file otherwise click cancel. After that you select the file you want by clicking the preview of your file then click set in the bottom right. Then click Edit End, then embriodery. Now the digital set up is done.

The Bobbin

The Bobbin is a small spool of thread that you have to create. Once you put the thread is in its spot. You set it under the metal hook, then tread it under the plastic tab, then bring it over the the barring and thread it around the metal then under the barring. Then place then Bobbin on the top right of the machine, then wrape thread around it in a clock wise way and cut the thread. Then slide the Bobbin to the right a little and the machine should recognize that its in Bobbin mode. Then click the glowing button by the needle and it should start going. Once you done use the blade directly to cut the thread then you can just pull the thread from the spool of thread so ckear the machine. Then slide the Bobbin back to the right a little and take it off and your good to go. This is what it should look like running:

There is a little clear tab by the needle that you need to remove, place the Bobbin inside then while making sure the Bobbin can spin, wrap the thread through the left until it gets cut then put the clear tab back on.

The Needle

For threading the needle you want to put the thread in its spot, set it under the metal hook, and thread it under the plastic tab. You then want to bring the thread forward and down then move it to the left a little bit then back up hugging the right wall to make sure its setting properly then move it to the back wall and final the left wall then back down. Here you should watch the video thats not the Bobbin because its a little hard to explane exactly what to do here.

The Hoop

The hoop is an easy step. First you want to make sure you have the hoop and your stabilizer. For the hop take the top off and make sure the screw is loose. Then place the stabilizer ontop of the bottom piece of the hoop then place the top part on makeing sure to line up the arrows. Tighten the screw, not too much thought because you dont want to break it. Then place the hoop flat on a table and hold the top in place while pulling all side of the stabilizer until the middle sounds like a drum. You then want to make sure the foot/needle part is raised and slide the hoop in. You need to line up the screws with the the left part of the machine and push it into place. Lower the foot/needle part once its in place

Starting the Machine

Once everything is set up and the right color is in click push the glowing button by the foot/needle part and the machine should start doing its thing. If you need to switch colors or the embroider is done then press the two buttons by the glowing one, first click the one that shows the needle throught the stabilizer then the one with sissors then raise the foot and take out the hoop and if you have to do another color just replace the Bobbin and the spool of thread.

My File Embroidering

Here you can see each color embroidered and then a video of the machien embroidering.


Once the machine is finished, take the Hoop off and unscrew the Hoop. Then take the stabilizer out and cut it around your embroidered design and your done. This is what mine looked like when I was done:

What I leared

This week I learned how to use the Brother SE600, what a bobbin is, and how to use Ink Stitch. I will deffinatly use this machine again in the furture.

Last update: May 15, 2023