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About Me

Hi! My name is David Tian. I am currently a sophomore attending Charlotte Latin School, located in Charlotte, North Carolina. I have a love for making and creating things with my own hands. It is due to this passion that I loved to build LEGOs from a young age. Over the years, I have also tackled larger projects, such as making a 3D printer from scratch, coding games, and more.

Immigration and New School

In 2016, I immigrated from Shanghai, China, to Charlotte, the United States. Moving a completely different country was exciting but challenging. However, at the same time, I discovered a multitude of different hobbies that I love. I learned to play tennis, the clarinet, and football (to an extent :)). I came to Charlotte Latin at the beginning of 8th grade. That year, I enrolled in an introductory engineering course.

As I stepped into the Fab Lab at my school, I was astounded by the sight of so many machines. The 3D printers at the lab were amazing. I was shocked at the efficiency and power of the giant laser cutter. There were also all types of machines like the band saw, planar, and the Shopbot that fascinated me. It was due to this reason that I began to take an interest in engineering.

Before starting Fab Academy, I took three more engineering courses. Hopefully, I will be able to pass this rigorous academy by putting my experience to use.

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Last update: June 12, 2024