My name is Garner Holdsworth, and this is a webpage about my project for Fab Academy 2022! You can follow my journey from my assignments page, or see an overview of what I create on my projects page.

About Me

I am a 19 year-old student from Wells, ME and I am currently a freshman at Wheaton College, MA with an intended major in Aeronautical Engineering.

Prior Projects

I have always enjoyed tinkering with things and constructing small contraptions from the things I have available to me in the moment. I am relatively new to digital fabrication as I first gained access to facilities with any of the necessary equipment when I started my first college semester. I frequented the Maker Space during my Fall semester, learning the basics of how to use a handheld CNC router, a GlowForge laser cutter, and a Prusa 3D printer. When I learned of an opportunity to be taught more about digital fabrication techniques through Fab Academy, I signed up the first chance I got. I have had an intense passion for creating for the longest time, so I'm excited to share my ideas with the world!

Fab Academy 2022
Final Project

Demonstration Video
Demonstration Poster