8. Computer controlled machining¶
This week I had to design something big that could be cut with a cnc machine.
Group Assignment¶
For the group assignment this week we learned saftey arond the cnc machine( hair up, ear and eye protection) and different types of drill bits and toolpaths and how to change the bit. We learned how to create tool paths on Vcarve.
For the project this week I designed a lap desk to fit my laptop, a cup,and place to move my compiuter mouse around in. File
I designed it to fit my laptop perfectly so I can still use all the ports on my laptop as well as spaces for cords to fit through.
The cutting portion went well I used a 2 feet by 4 feet piece of wood that was 1/2 inch thick. I dindn’t have to change the bit because another student had cut right before me. I did double check the toolpath settings tough just to make sure they were right. I created two toolpaths one for the pocket cuts and one for cutting it out leaving tabs, so it would still be secure while cutting it out. The drill bit that i used was a 1/4th cut drill bit.
Hero Shots¶