Hi! Follow along while I learn to Make (almost) Anything¶
During Fab Academy we work on a different assignment or project each week.
Here I document my mistakes, successes and learnings.
These are some of my favorite builds:

Balance bike
In the Computer Controlled Machining week I made a balance bike from plywood parts that I milled on our labs shopbot
Vinyl cutting heater pad
I made a flexible heater pad with the vinyl cutter. I attached it to a glass to heat water
Multipurpose handle
I the Moulding and Casting week I created a mould to cast handles. I had fun casting different hardware into the handles
Motor control board
For my final project I milled a 2 layer PCB that can control 2 stepper motors.In this image I'm sending commands to the motor control board over a wireless serial link

Motion wall
In the machine building week we worked in a group of 4 people. We've built a motion wall consisting of multiple hexagonal tiles that can be controlled individuallyIf you’re interested in how I experienced Fab Academy check out my retrospective
Last update:
June 19, 2022