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Week 16. System Integration

This week, each student chose the digital process they wanted to explore as alternatives in digital manufacturing and that they had not done in previous weeks.


Design and produce something with a digital process not covered in another assignment, documenting the requirements that your assignment meets, and including everything necessary to reproduce it. Possibilities include but are not limited to wildcard week examples.

Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate workflows used in the chosen process Select and apply suitable processes (and materials) to do your assignment

Stamping results

During my secondary studies I always participated in sports games representing the discipline of soccer where I studied and with this I wore many t-shirts of different colors printed with the number, the name of the student and other logos. On this occasion I stopped to discover the processes to be carried out for a print on a polo shirt as shown in the figure.

Steps in Corel Draw:

A new document was prepared in the Corel Draw program

Then we go to the File menu then Import

Next we search the storage devices for the file to import called LOGO

Then we insert the image, after which we insert two texts such as FABLAB and the other PASCO with a different type of font.

Using the mirror horizontally option we apply that option to the group of images.

Preview of how the image turned out to be stamped and we saved this as a JPG file.

Opening the JPG file in Windows image editor.

Opening the print option from the application.

Changing the option for the entire page to be printed.

Preview before sending file to print on color printer

Starting printing on A4 size transfer paper

Halfway through printing the image on the transfer paper

During printing by eighty percent

At the end of printing, checking the result of the colors on the transfer paper

Here we can see the thirty-eight by thirty-eight centimeter sublimation and printing machine.

Connecting to the power source and setting the temperature to two hundred degrees Celsius so that it will be stamped in eighty seconds

Checking the top iron increasing the temperature gradually

First placing a Teflon sheet that withstands high temperatures, then the pole and then the transfer paper as shown in the image.

Then we cover with another Teflon sheet that withstands high temperatures on top of the pole.

Aligning the image on the pole where it will be stamped.

Turning the cover into position to be pressed

Waiting for the temperature to arrive as configured.

To finish, with 2 seconds left, the temperature of the iron has dropped to one hundred and seventy-seven degrees Celsius.

Removing the pressure lever and turning clockwise to release the stamped pole.

Removing the transfer paper and observing the printing result.

Once the print is finished, verifying the colors and design made.

Pulling out the pole from the base as seen in the image.

Showing the final finish of the printed polo and happy to have finished the week’s assignment.

File 1: Corel draw

File 2: Image

Last update: July 2, 2024