(kicad_pcb (version 20211014) (generator pcbnew) (general (thickness 1.6) ) (paper "A4") (layers (0 "F.Cu" signal) (31 "B.Cu" signal) (32 "B.Adhes" user "B.Adhesive") (33 "F.Adhes" user "F.Adhesive") (34 "B.Paste" user) (35 "F.Paste" user) (36 "B.SilkS" user "B.Silkscreen") (37 "F.SilkS" user "F.Silkscreen") (38 "B.Mask" user) (39 "F.Mask" user) (40 "Dwgs.User" user "User.Drawings") (41 "Cmts.User" user "User.Comments") (42 "Eco1.User" user "User.Eco1") (43 "Eco2.User" user "User.Eco2") (44 "Edge.Cuts" user) (45 "Margin" user) (46 "B.CrtYd" user "B.Courtyard") (47 "F.CrtYd" user "F.Courtyard") (48 "B.Fab" user) (49 "F.Fab" user) (50 "User.1" user) (51 "User.2" user) (52 "User.3" user) (53 "User.4" user) (54 "User.5" user) (55 "User.6" user) (56 "User.7" user) (57 "User.8" user) (58 "User.9" user) ) (setup (stackup (layer "F.SilkS" (type "Top Silk Screen")) (layer "F.Paste" (type "Top Solder Paste")) (layer "F.Mask" (type "Top Solder Mask") (thickness 0.01)) (layer "F.Cu" (type "copper") (thickness 0.035)) (layer "dielectric 1" (type "core") (thickness 1.51) (material "FR4") (epsilon_r 4.5) (loss_tangent 0.02)) (layer "B.Cu" (type "copper") (thickness 0.035)) (layer "B.Mask" (type "Bottom Solder Mask") (thickness 0.01)) (layer "B.Paste" (type "Bottom Solder Paste")) (layer "B.SilkS" (type "Bottom Silk Screen")) (copper_finish "None") (dielectric_constraints no) ) (pad_to_mask_clearance 0) (pcbplotparams (layerselection 0x0001000_7fffffff) (disableapertmacros false) (usegerberextensions false) (usegerberattributes true) (usegerberadvancedattributes true) (creategerberjobfile true) (svguseinch false) (svgprecision 6) (excludeedgelayer true) (plotframeref false) (viasonmask false) (mode 1) (useauxorigin false) (hpglpennumber 1) (hpglpenspeed 20) (hpglpendiameter 15.000000) (dxfpolygonmode true) (dxfimperialunits true) (dxfusepcbnewfont true) (psnegative false) (psa4output false) (plotreference true) (plotvalue true) (plotinvisibletext false) (sketchpadsonfab false) (subtractmaskfromsilk false) (outputformat 5) (mirror false) (drillshape 0) (scaleselection 1) (outputdirectory "") ) ) (net 0 "") (net 1 "Net-(C1-Pad1)") (net 2 "Net-(J1-Pad2)") (net 3 "Net-(J1-Pad4)") (net 4 "Net-(P1-Pad1)") (net 5 "Net-(P1-Pad2)") (net 6 "Net-(P1-Pad3)") (net 7 "GND") (net 8 "SW1") (net 9 "SW2") (net 10 "SW3") (net 11 "SW4") (net 12 "SW5") (net 13 "unconnected-(U1-Pad13)") (net 14 "unconnected-(U1-Pad14)") (net 15 "Net-(D1-Pad2)") (net 16 "LED") (footprint "fab:PinHeader_2x02_SWD_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 62112959) (tstamp 03f57fb4-32a3-4bc6-85b9-fd8ece4a9592) (at 133.69 113.11 180) (descr "surface-mounted straight pin header, 2x02, 2.54mm pitch, double rows") (tags "Surface mounted pin header SMD 2x02 2.54mm double row") (property "Sheetfile" "D11C-hello.D11C.echo.1.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/50d65e93-702d-4ba8-9a3f-2303421ae781") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "J1" (at 0 -3.6) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 49575217-40b0-4890-8acf-12982cca52b5) ) (fp_text value "Conn_PinHeader_2x02_SWD_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD" (at 0 3.6) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 4cafb73d-1ad8-4d24-acf7-63d78095ae46) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp a6738794-75ae-48a6-8949-ed8717400d71) ) (fp_circle (center -3.4 -2.9) (end -2.9 -2.9) (layer "F.Cu") (width 0.2) (fill solid) (tstamp d692b5e6-71b2-4fa6-bc83-618add8d8fef)) (fp_line (start -4.04 -2.03) (end -2.6 -2.03) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 07d160b6-23e1-4aa0-95cb-440482e6fc15)) (fp_line (start -2.6 -2.6) (end 2.6 -2.6) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 1e48966e-d29d-4521-8939-ec8ac570431d)) (fp_line (start 2.6 -2.6) (end 2.6 -2.03) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 6ac3ab53-7523-4805-bfd2-5de19dff127e)) (fp_line (start -2.6 -2.6) (end -2.6 -2.03) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 844d7d7a-b386-45a8-aaf6-bf41bbcb43b5)) (fp_line (start 2.6 -0.51) (end 2.6 0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp a07b6b2b-7179-4297-b163-5e47ffbe76d3)) (fp_line (start -2.6 -0.51) (end -2.6 0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp a62609cd-29b7-4918-b97d-7b2404ba61cf)) (fp_line (start -2.6 2.6) (end 2.6 2.6) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp a8219a78-6b33-4efa-a789-6a67ce8f7a50)) (fp_line (start 2.6 2.03) (end 2.6 2.6) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp d1a9be32-38ba-44e6-bc35-f031541ab1fe)) (fp_line (start -2.6 2.03) (end -2.6 2.6) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ebca7c5e-ae52-43e5-ac6c-69a96a9a5b24)) (fp_line (start 4.2 2.7) (end 4.2 -2.7) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 05f2859d-2820-4e84-b395-696011feb13b)) (fp_line (start 4.2 -2.7) (end -4.2 -2.7) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 2a1de22d-6451-488d-af77-0bf8841bd695)) (fp_line (start -4.2 2.7) (end 4.2 2.7) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp a8fb8ee0-623f-4870-a716-ecc88f37ef9a)) (fp_line (start -4.2 -2.7) (end -4.2 2.7) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp f3044f68-903d-4063-b253-30d8e3a83eae)) (fp_line (start 3.6 -0.95) (end 2.54 -0.95) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 25bc3602-3fb4-4a04-94e3-21ba22562c24)) (fp_line (start -2.54 0.95) (end -3.6 0.95) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 283c990c-ae5a-4e41-a3ad-b40ca29fe90e)) (fp_line (start 3.6 0.95) (end 3.6 1.59) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 2c60448a-e30f-46b2-89e1-a44f51688efc)) (fp_line (start -3.6 1.59) (end -2.54 1.59) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 4a54c707-7b6f-4a3d-a74d-5e3526114aba)) (fp_line (start -3.6 -0.95) (end -2.54 -0.95) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 4aa97874-2fd2-414c-b381-9420384c2fd8)) (fp_line (start -2.54 -1.59) (end -1.59 -2.54) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 4b1fce17-dec7-457e-ba3b-a77604e77dc9)) (fp_line (start -3.6 -1.59) (end -3.6 -0.95) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 576f00e6-a1be-45d3-9b93-e26d9e0fe306)) (fp_line (start -1.59 -2.54) (end 2.54 -2.54) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 713e0777-58b2-4487-baca-60d0ebed27c3)) (fp_line (start 2.54 -2.54) (end 2.54 2.54) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 7760a75a-d74b-4185-b34e-cbc7b2c339b6)) (fp_line (start 3.6 -1.59) (end 3.6 -0.95) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 869d6302-ae22-478f-9723-3feacbb12eef)) (fp_line (start -2.54 -1.59) (end -3.6 -1.59) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 901440f4-e2a6-4447-83cc-f58a2b26f5c4)) (fp_line (start -2.54 2.54) (end -2.54 -1.59) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp a0dee8e6-f88a-4f05-aba0-bab3aafdf2bc)) (fp_line (start 3.6 1.59) (end 2.54 1.59) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp c1bac86f-cbf6-4c5b-b60d-c26fa73d9c09)) (fp_line (start 2.54 0.95) (end 3.6 0.95) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp d66d3c12-11ce-4566-9a45-962e329503d8)) (fp_line (start 2.54 -1.59) (end 3.6 -1.59) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp d7e5a060-eb57-4238-9312-26bc885fc97d)) (fp_line (start -3.6 0.95) (end -3.6 1.59) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp e1b88aa4-d887-4eea-83ff-5c009f4390c4)) (fp_line (start 2.54 2.54) (end -2.54 2.54) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp f19c9655-8ddb-411a-96dd-bd986870c3c6)) (pad "1" smd rect (at -2.525 -1.27 180) (size 3.15 1) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 7 "GND") (pinfunction "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp b78cb2c1-ae4b-4d9b-acd8-d7fe342342f2)) (pad "2" smd rect (at 2.525 -1.27 180) (size 3.15 1) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 2 "Net-(J1-Pad2)") (pinfunction "RST") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 90e761f6-1432-4f73-ad28-fa8869b7ec31)) (pad "3" smd rect (at -2.525 1.27 180) (size 3.15 1) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 12 "SW5") (pinfunction "DIO") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 4431c0f6-83ea-4eee-95a8-991da2f03ccd)) (pad "4" smd rect (at 2.525 1.27 180) (size 3.15 1) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 3 "Net-(J1-Pad4)") (pinfunction "CLK") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 24b72b0d-63b8-4e06-89d0-e94dcf39a600)) (model "${KISYS3DMOD}/Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm.3dshapes/PinHeader_2x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:Button_C&K_PTS636_6x3.5mm" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 5EC65ADD) (tstamp 1e9dcbc0-ed04-41e3-9512-fbb37cd7d179) (at 107.48 117.47 90) (descr "Light Touch Switch, https://industrial.panasonic.com/cdbs/www-data/pdf/ATK0000/ATK0000CE7.pdf") (property "Sheetfile" "D11C-hello.D11C.echo.1.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/c0b69167-0a59-4444-b4cb-8bf56c302e75") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "SW3" (at 0 -2.65 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 21846961-2a78-4e46-8242-5b4de77ca82d) ) (fp_text value "BUTTON_PTS636" (at 0 3 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 5404664b-083c-4ae7-9324-834241f1df76) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 -2.65 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 988c23bd-6bf9-4ea3-a1d5-3f5ff466a45e) ) (fp_line (start 3.1 -1.85) (end -3.1 -1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 388986aa-d9a5-485c-b2a5-20f9608e57de)) (fp_line (start -3.1 1.85) (end 3.1 1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 3aed5f29-363b-4eca-a21e-756b68fe8f23)) (fp_line (start 3.1 1.85) (end 3.1 1.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 53450cca-0496-4005-a7ef-5b1ae88fa402)) (fp_line (start -3.1 1.2) (end -3.1 1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp a1df41ee-57e8-4cf8-a863-aa2ac7fada82)) (fp_line (start 3.1 -1.85) (end 3.1 -1.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp c41835e2-2b20-4f99-a85d-b1859480e6e6)) (fp_line (start -3.1 -1.85) (end -3.1 -1.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp d62b9747-f33c-4238-945e-0988aa465b71)) (fp_line (start 3.95 2) (end -3.95 2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 245afab8-87c2-4797-af78-aa00d5229c94)) (fp_line (start -3.95 2) (end -3.95 -2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 435960f9-5f02-4a62-b70b-90c1310d341d)) 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0.1) (tstamp a6d8eddd-c1b7-4ec6-be66-ae5ff2fbee45)) (fp_line (start 3 -1.75) (end 3 1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp c034fa22-c359-4a30-b345-2b159807ba6c)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at -4 0 90) (size 2.5 1.5) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 10 "SW3") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 29ba223f-0062-42d7-819b-390aa3bcacc3)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at 4 0 90) (size 2.5 1.5) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 7 "GND") (pinfunction "2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp bc0c4d76-7073-443a-8935-0c1edc20eb60)) (model "${KISYS3DMOD}/Buttons_Switches_SMD.3dshapes/SW_SPST_EVQPE1.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:Conn_USB_A_Plain" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 61EE6490) (tstamp 2e0a9f64-1b78-4597-8d50-d12d2268a95a) (at 133.61 89.31 90) (descr "Plain USB Type A connector that can be cut with a PCB milling machine") (tags "USB type A plain fab") (property "Sheetfile" "D11C-hello.D11C.echo.1.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/8198e596-d523-4ba3-91d9-8f9c41f56b37") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "P1" (at -2 -5 90 unlocked) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp b13e8448-bf35-4ec0-9c70-3f2250718cc2) ) (fp_text value "Conn_USB_A_Plain" (at 9.37 -1.54 unlocked) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 5c7d6eaf-f256-4349-8203-d2e836872231) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90 unlocked) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp fdc60c06-30fa-4dfb-96b4-809b755999e1) ) (fp_rect (start -4.25 -6.25) (end 6.25 6.25) (layer "B.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (fill none) (tstamp f0ff5d1c-5481-4958-b844-4f68a17d4166)) (fp_rect (start -4.25 -6.25) (end 6.25 6.25) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (fill none) (tstamp 96db52e2-6336-4f5e-846e-528c594d0509)) (fp_line (start -4 -6) (end 5.5 -6) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 59fc765e-1357-4c94-9529-5635418c7d73)) (fp_line (start 6 -5.5) (end 6 5.5) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 89a8e170-a222-41c0-b545-c9f4c5604011)) (fp_line (start 5.5 6) (end -4 6) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 9529c01f-e1cd-40be-b7f0-83780a544249)) (fp_arc (start 5.5 -6) (mid 5.853553 -5.853553) (end 6 -5.5) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 6f580eb1-88cc-489d-a7ca-9efa5e590715)) (fp_arc (start 6 5.5) (mid 5.853553 5.853553) (end 5.5 6) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp d68e5ddb-039c-483f-88a3-1b0b7964b482)) (pad "1" smd rect (at 0.5 -3.5 90) (size 9 1.2) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 4 "Net-(P1-Pad1)") (pinfunction "5V") (pintype "power_out") (tstamp 582622a2-fad4-4737-9a80-be9fffbba8ab)) (pad "2" smd rect (at 0 -1 90) (size 8 1.2) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 5 "Net-(P1-Pad2)") (pinfunction "D-") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 1dfbf353-5b24-4c0f-8322-8fcd514ae75e)) (pad "3" smd rect (at 0 1 90) (size 8 1.2) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 6 "Net-(P1-Pad3)") (pinfunction "D+") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp e0c7ddff-8c90-465f-be62-21fb49b059fa)) (pad "4" smd rect (at 0.5 3.5 90) (size 9 1.2) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 7 "GND") (pinfunction "GND") (pintype "power_out") (tstamp 337e8520-cbd2-42c0-8d17-743bab17cbbd)) ) (footprint "fab:R_1206" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 60020482) (tstamp 31b4be85-84cd-451c-92fb-e04010d640c6) (at 123.1 117.2 90) (descr "Resistor SMD 1206, hand soldering") (tags "resistor 1206") (property "Sheetfile" "D11C-hello.D11C.echo.1.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/5fa04425-854d-45a8-bb33-e7ac51ccdb09") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "R1" (at 0 -1.85 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp f6be77ac-afb8-452c-b4ae-26e9d46f1d58) ) (fp_text value "R" (at 0 1.9 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 008d553d-a370-4e34-ba13-7a9dae5cab92) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 0.7 0.7) (thickness 0.105))) (tstamp a937b888-b53d-4097-92d2-22e1039dfcf5) ) (fp_line (start -1 -1.07) (end 1 -1.07) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 7b8cc91e-30be-4e06-9ff6-38fd9f02b1c4)) (fp_line (start 1 1.07) (end -1 1.07) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 8cded1ae-e12d-4207-953a-651bd0ce709c)) (fp_line (start -3.25 -1.11) (end -3.25 1.1) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 1712e413-65f7-49cd-85de-71850fe8ac3b)) (fp_line (start -3.25 -1.11) (end 3.25 -1.11) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 56018ac7-e04d-49f9-8f54-b51036b68e98)) (fp_line (start 3.25 1.1) (end 3.25 -1.11) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 90de7d85-9562-4dd5-9dbe-d21cb9daab43)) (fp_line (start 3.25 1.1) (end -3.25 1.1) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp f2542dd4-b1a8-4179-a350-22601297de2a)) (fp_line (start 1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp a1d808e7-f326-4f02-9319-99655f199877)) (fp_line (start -1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 -0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp d8666d47-4c11-497e-bb99-141c284954f1)) (fp_line (start -1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 -0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp eab7a5d7-4892-4b31-a558-10d95320a939)) (fp_line (start 1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp f8a1c863-e5b5-4e92-86e4-269ed215bd09)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at -2 0 90) (size 2 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 15 "Net-(D1-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 9476928f-ebf4-43c5-9c0c-0779f23a7bfa)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at 2 0 90) (size 2 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 16 "LED") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 74c486e1-359b-4a54-a3da-308ba24a622b)) (model "${FAB}/fab.3dshapes/R_1206.step" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 60030324) (tstamp 3d6cdd62-5634-4e30-acf8-1b9c1dbf6653) (at 133.735 102.16) (descr "SOIC, 14 Pin, fab version") (tags "SOIC fab") (property "Sheetfile" "D11C-hello.D11C.echo.1.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/60ff6322-62e2-4602-9bc0-7a0f0a5ecfbf") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "U1" (at 0 -5.28) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp e36988d2-ecb2-461b-a443-7006f447e828) ) (fp_text value "ATSAMD11C14A-SS" (at -15.305 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp d102186a-5b58-41d0-9985-3dbb3593f397) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.CrtYd") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp dbe92a0d-89cb-4d3f-9497-c2c1d93a3018) ) (fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end 1.95 4.435) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 13bbfffc-affb-4b43-9eb1-f2ed90a8a919)) (fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end -1.95 4.435) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 71f8d568-0f23-4ff2-8e60-1600ce517a48)) (fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end 1.95 -4.435) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 7c00778a-4692-4f9b-87d5-2d355077ce1e)) (fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end -3.45 -4.435) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 97581b9a-3f6b-4e88-8768-6fdb60e6aca6)) (fp_line (start 3.7 -4.5) (end 3.7 4.5) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 01f82238-6335-48fe-8b0a-6853e227345a)) (fp_line (start -3.6 -4.5) (end 3.7 -4.5) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 0e249018-17e7-42b3-ae5d-5ebf3ae299ae)) (fp_line (start -3.6 4.5) (end -3.6 -4.5) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 63489ebf-0f52-43a6-a0ab-158b1a7d4988)) (fp_line (start 3.7 4.5) (end -3.6 4.5) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp e6d68f56-4a40-4849-b8d1-13d5ca292900)) (fp_line (start -0.975 -4.325) (end 1.95 -4.325) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 52a8f1be-73ca-41a8-bc24-2320706b0ec1)) (fp_line (start -1.95 -3.35) (end -0.975 -4.325) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 7db990e4-92e1-4f99-b4d2-435bbec1ba83)) (fp_line (start 1.95 4.325) (end -1.95 4.325) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 8efee08b-b92e-4ba6-8722-c058e18114fe)) (fp_line (start -1.95 4.325) (end -1.95 -3.35) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp cd5e758d-cb66-484a-ae8b-21f53ceee49e)) (fp_line (start 1.95 -4.325) (end 1.95 4.325) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp e300709f-6c72-488d-a598-efcbd6d3af54)) (pad "1" smd rect (at -2.475 -3.81) (size 2 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 8 "SW1") (pinfunction "PA05") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp bb59b92a-e4d0-4b9e-82cd-26304f5c15b8)) (pad "2" smd rect (at -2.475 -2.54) (size 2 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 11 "SW4") (pinfunction "PA08/XIN") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp f6983918-fe05-46ea-b355-bc522ec53440)) (pad "3" smd rect (at -2.475 -1.27) (size 2 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 9 "SW2") (pinfunction "PA09/XOUT") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp f44d04c5-0d17-4d52-8328-ef3b4fdfba5f)) (pad "4" smd rect (at -2.475 0) (size 2 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 10 "SW3") (pinfunction "PA14") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 759788bd-3cb9-4d38-b58c-5cb10b7dca6b)) (pad "5" smd rect (at -2.475 1.27) (size 2 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 16 "LED") (pinfunction "PA15") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 20caf6d2-76a7-497e-ac56-f6d31eb9027b)) (pad "6" smd rect (at -2.475 2.54) (size 2 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 2 "Net-(J1-Pad2)") (pinfunction "PA28/~{RST}") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 2f291a4b-4ecb-4692-9ad2-324f9784c0d4)) (pad "7" smd rect (at -2.475 3.81) (size 2 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 3 "Net-(J1-Pad4)") (pinfunction "PA30/SWCLK") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp f447e585-df78-4239-b8cb-4653b3837bb1)) (pad "8" smd rect (at 2.475 3.81) (size 2 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 12 "SW5") (pinfunction "PA31/SWDIO") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 62a1f3d4-027d-4ecf-a37a-6fcf4263e9d2)) (pad "9" smd rect (at 2.475 2.54) (size 2 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 5 "Net-(P1-Pad2)") (pinfunction "PA24") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 3a70978e-dcc2-4620-a99c-514362812927)) (pad "10" smd rect (at 2.475 1.27) (size 2 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 6 "Net-(P1-Pad3)") (pinfunction "PA25") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 319639ae-c2c5-486d-93b1-d03bb1b64252)) (pad "11" smd rect (at 2.475 0) (size 2 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 7 "GND") (pinfunction "GND") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp fc4ad874-c922-4070-89f9-7262080469d8)) (pad "12" smd rect (at 2.475 -1.27) (size 2 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 1 "Net-(C1-Pad1)") (pinfunction "VDD") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp a5c8e189-1ddc-4a66-984b-e0fd1529d346)) (pad "13" smd rect (at 2.475 -2.54) (size 2 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 13 "unconnected-(U1-Pad13)") (pinfunction "PA02") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp c71f56c1-5b7c-4373-9716-fffac482104c)) (pad "14" smd rect (at 2.475 -3.81) (size 2 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 14 "unconnected-(U1-Pad14)") (pinfunction "PA04") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 1ab71a3c-340b-469a-ada5-4f87f0b7b2fa)) (model "${FAB}/fab.3dshapes/SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm.step" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:SOT-23" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 60A7B52C) (tstamp 443bc73a-8dc0-4e2f-a292-a5eff00efa5b) (at 142.2 99.68 90) (descr "SOT-23, Standard") (tags "SOT-23") (property "Sheetfile" "D11C-hello.D11C.echo.1.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/59f1dae8-0fac-4441-b098-87dca831d461") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "U2" (at 0 -2.5 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp cbebc05a-c4dd-4baf-8c08-196e84e08b27) ) (fp_text value "Regulator_Linear_LM3480-3.3V-100mA" (at 18.98 0 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp f7447e92-4293-41c4-be3f-69b30aad1f17) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.075))) (tstamp 14094ad2-b562-4efa-8c6f-51d7a3134345) ) (fp_line (start 0.76 1.58) (end -0.7 1.58) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 590fefcc-03e7-45d6-b6c9-e51a7c3c36c4)) (fp_line (start 0.76 -1.58) (end -1.4 -1.58) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 59cb2966-1e9c-4b3b-b3c8-7499378d8dde)) (fp_line (start 0.76 1.58) (end 0.76 0.65) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp b854a395-bfc6-4140-9640-75d4f9296771)) (fp_line (start 0.76 -1.58) (end 0.76 -0.65) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp f5bf5b4a-5213-48af-a5cd-0d67969d2de6)) (fp_line (start -2.2 1.75) (end -2.2 -1.75) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 1427bb3f-0689-4b41-a816-cd79a5202fd0)) (fp_line (start 2.2 1.75) (end -2.2 1.75) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 78f9c3d3-3556-46f6-9744-05ad54b330f0)) (fp_line (start -2.2 -1.75) (end 2.2 -1.75) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 89c9afdc-c346-4300-a392-5f9dd8c1e5bd)) (fp_line (start 2.2 -1.75) (end 2.2 1.75) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 8b7bbefd-8f78-41f8-809c-2534a5de3b39)) (fp_line (start -0.7 -0.95) (end -0.7 1.5) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 014d13cd-26ad-4d0e-86ad-a43b541cab14)) (fp_line (start -0.7 -0.95) (end -0.15 -1.52) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 633292d3-80c5-4986-be82-ce926e9f09f4)) (fp_line (start -0.15 -1.52) (end 0.7 -1.52) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 7744b6ee-910d-401d-b730-65c35d3d8092)) (fp_line (start -0.7 1.52) (end 0.7 1.52) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp d0cd3439-276c-41ba-b38d-f84f6da38415)) (fp_line (start 0.7 -1.52) (end 0.7 1.52) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp dda1e6ca-91ec-4136-b90b-3c54d79454b9)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at -1.2 -0.85 90) (size 1.8 1) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 1 "Net-(C1-Pad1)") (pinfunction "VO") (pintype "power_out") (tstamp a25b7e01-1754-4cc9-8a14-3d9c461e5af5)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at -1.2 0.85 90) (size 1.8 1) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 4 "Net-(P1-Pad1)") (pinfunction "VI") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp 83021f70-e61e-4ad3-bae7-b9f02b28be4f)) (pad "3" smd rect locked (at 1.2 0 90) (size 1.8 1) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 7 "GND") (pinfunction "GND") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp cc75e5ae-3348-4e7a-bd16-4df685ee47bd)) (model "${KISYS3DMOD}/TO_SOT_Packages_SMD.3dshapes/SOT-23.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:Button_C&K_PTS636_6x3.5mm" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 5EC65ADD) (tstamp 684dd321-c877-439a-a4d1-bec26f55cf89) (at 114.15 110.13 180) (descr "Light Touch Switch, https://industrial.panasonic.com/cdbs/www-data/pdf/ATK0000/ATK0000CE7.pdf") (property "Sheetfile" "D11C-hello.D11C.echo.1.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/e891b433-8f8c-451a-9a1f-eebc6bd34030") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "SW2" (at 0 -2.65) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp e0c493ec-d4a1-42a2-9d32-6efc5916ca66) ) (fp_text value "BUTTON_PTS636" (at 0 3) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 10d4acf9-eb07-4704-a954-054e4658f650) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 -2.65) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 51e38831-b6fe-409b-99e0-ea87fc114c30) ) (fp_line (start -3.1 -1.85) (end -3.1 -1.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 141d55e7-f9fa-486e-a08c-0c5785aa9581)) (fp_line (start 3.1 1.85) (end 3.1 1.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 5c6b1739-bddf-40c7-873c-328e9672302a)) (fp_line (start 3.1 -1.85) (end -3.1 -1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 9c476165-300e-4e08-a354-4288b203c377)) (fp_line (start -3.1 1.85) (end 3.1 1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp a3f3a018-6a6b-4914-95d4-b6f25692820f)) (fp_line (start -3.1 1.2) (end -3.1 1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp b910f5a9-203b-4617-b055-34ba181d7395)) (fp_line (start 3.1 -1.85) (end 3.1 -1.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp d7208a74-6fe9-46b0-b74b-3a9c1ced3fc4)) (fp_line (start -3.95 -2) (end 3.95 -2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 22f315f8-0151-4d27-8242-3486735e4932)) (fp_line (start -3.95 2) (end -3.95 -2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 4dee428b-9873-45f7-9e00-b3849b95bf1c)) (fp_line (start 3.95 -2) (end 3.95 2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp c148c1ef-0e9d-4e98-93bb-63ce4325ce1d)) (fp_line (start 3.95 2) (end -3.95 2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp c96c3a49-3f05-45b3-9f34-07e1339feb50)) (fp_line (start 3 -1.75) (end 3 1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 056c9c13-522f-449c-84bd-83c95f6465a1)) (fp_line (start 1.5 0.75) (end -1.5 0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 16e7dd30-8a60-41e6-8325-60db1ff50bda)) (fp_line (start -3 1.75) (end -3 -1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 2f5f8e07-82d7-4697-8ac1-989270a8e323)) (fp_line (start -1.5 -0.75) (end 1.5 -0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 3c6ce34b-07ed-4efb-887e-8dcc88f1612e)) (fp_line (start 3 1.75) (end -3 1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 74e18c92-61e9-4154-8a7c-dfbd4a946e5e)) (fp_line (start -1.5 0.75) (end -1.5 -0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 99fae41c-2f63-4408-bdc3-75a6970f2a0d)) (fp_line (start 1.5 -0.75) (end 1.5 0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp bad15ef1-4174-4239-b07e-7b1abace56d9)) (fp_line (start -3 -1.75) (end 3 -1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp f8371471-4211-4368-9dd3-157e5ded70c0)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at -4 0 180) (size 2.5 1.5) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 9 "SW2") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 7af2029e-2b92-4284-9c35-cc656514173c)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at 4 0 180) (size 2.5 1.5) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 7 "GND") (pinfunction "2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp d9995dd7-4a06-4a52-9152-cf099c9e9707)) (model "${KISYS3DMOD}/Buttons_Switches_SMD.3dshapes/SW_SPST_EVQPE1.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:C_1206" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 6002C54C) (tstamp 7ce7415d-7c22-49f6-8215-488853ccc8c6) (at 142.35 107.64 -90) (descr "Capacitor SMD 1206, hand soldering") (tags "capacitor 1206") (property "Sheetfile" "D11C-hello.D11C.echo.1.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/55f58003-e082-4fb5-b230-4c9e70666b5f") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "C1" (at 0 -1.85 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp c8a7af6e-c432-4fa3-91ee-c8bf0c5a9ebe) ) (fp_text value "C" (at 0 1.9 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 91fe070a-a49b-4bc5-805a-42f23e10d114) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 0.7 0.7) (thickness 0.105))) (tstamp d01102e9-b170-4eb1-a0a4-9a31feb850b7) ) (fp_line (start -1 -1.07) (end 1 -1.07) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 18d11f32-e1a6-4f29-8e3c-0bfeb07299bd)) (fp_line (start 1 1.07) (end -1 1.07) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 6325c32f-c82a-4357-b022-f9c7e76f412e)) (fp_line (start 3.25 1.1) (end 3.25 -1.11) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 6afc19cf-38b4-47a3-bc2b-445b18724310)) (fp_line (start -3.25 -1.11) (end -3.25 1.1) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 84d296ba-3d39-4264-ad19-947f90c54396)) (fp_line (start -3.25 -1.11) (end 3.25 -1.11) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp a90361cd-254c-4d27-ae1f-9a6c85bafe28)) (fp_line (start 3.25 1.1) (end -3.25 1.1) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp fe14c012-3d58-4e5e-9a37-4b9765a7f764)) (fp_line (start 1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 53e34696-241f-47e5-a477-f469335c8a61)) (fp_line (start -1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 -0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 8cdc8ef9-532e-4bf5-9998-7213b9e692a2)) (fp_line (start 1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 9390234f-bf3f-46cd-b6a0-8a438ec76e9f)) (fp_line (start -1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 -0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 9e813ec2-d4ce-4e2e-b379-c6fedb4c45db)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at -2 0 270) (size 2 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 1 "Net-(C1-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 88002554-c459-46e5-8b22-6ea6fe07fd4c)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at 2 0 270) (size 2 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 7 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 5a222fb6-5159-4931-9015-19df65643140)) (model "${FAB}/fab.3dshapes/C_1206.step" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:Button_C&K_PTS636_6x3.5mm" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 5EC65ADD) (tstamp 8baf31fa-31f2-4e84-ad86-348df774f617) (at 107.94 103.11 -90) (descr "Light Touch Switch, https://industrial.panasonic.com/cdbs/www-data/pdf/ATK0000/ATK0000CE7.pdf") (property "Sheetfile" "D11C-hello.D11C.echo.1.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/6db6b2d8-cd53-4924-910c-ce03370c85ba") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "SW1" (at 0 -2.65 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 3d219812-261f-4741-b119-3a36b9052a99) ) (fp_text value "BUTTON_PTS636" (at 0 3 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp a991215c-d7f8-4d74-b4fb-3a6d0eed12fe) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 -2.65 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 9b9495fa-3f87-4963-9a1b-e0a11c6e50cd) ) (fp_line (start -3.1 -1.85) (end -3.1 -1.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 3f2f1aeb-24f2-4597-bbb9-54b12c752d6f)) (fp_line (start 3.1 1.85) (end 3.1 1.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 68617ba5-42bf-490f-8799-0863bd897117)) (fp_line (start -3.1 1.85) (end 3.1 1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 777a7d71-7105-4515-9e2c-011e98c36c8b)) (fp_line (start -3.1 1.2) (end -3.1 1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 88d47af8-f385-41c3-a158-4c2020d5a72a)) (fp_line (start 3.1 -1.85) (end 3.1 -1.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp a8d0f58f-0f06-444b-8a1a-c732d79b81a2)) (fp_line (start 3.1 -1.85) (end -3.1 -1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp fad34361-5673-4b6b-8616-ccc33cd00c24)) (fp_line (start 3.95 2) (end -3.95 2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 8020425b-e9f3-495c-818a-7f5fd22a8d70)) (fp_line (start 3.95 -2) (end 3.95 2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp a382881d-447e-4c02-8a48-4f80e0b390fe)) (fp_line (start -3.95 -2) (end 3.95 -2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp d43221d1-87f4-4ac1-9c13-f0572b2d8d4f)) (fp_line (start -3.95 2) (end -3.95 -2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp f75ad864-f096-4907-b31d-1a5733db4331)) (fp_line (start -3 -1.75) (end 3 -1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 1a65f33c-7c56-44cc-9cf1-6ac54f672e8b)) (fp_line (start 3 1.75) (end -3 1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 3b0df787-46aa-47b2-a11b-96df99f09a2e)) (fp_line (start -1.5 0.75) (end -1.5 -0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 7c11a07f-525c-45a7-9ad1-361ea90615cc)) (fp_line (start 3 -1.75) (end 3 1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 7d6807f0-5c24-4921-bebf-780c435de47a)) (fp_line (start 1.5 -0.75) (end 1.5 0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 9569f35a-5d83-4bd3-8b6f-04dd6bf8bb08)) (fp_line (start 1.5 0.75) (end -1.5 0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 9a0f5593-2efd-4f52-bc76-f583ab6c95eb)) (fp_line (start -1.5 -0.75) (end 1.5 -0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp a95d1158-4fd7-4b29-842d-f674925ed1fa)) (fp_line (start -3 1.75) (end -3 -1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp aed6fd45-9008-49c0-8589-6686d15e36cc)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at -4 0 270) (size 2.5 1.5) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 8 "SW1") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp d2eb360b-2bc4-4408-a8b3-07959277e262)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at 4 0 270) (size 2.5 1.5) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 7 "GND") (pinfunction "2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp d4a14347-f106-4fab-9c3e-cd8a875c683c)) (model "${KISYS3DMOD}/Buttons_Switches_SMD.3dshapes/SW_SPST_EVQPE1.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:Button_C&K_PTS636_6x3.5mm" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 5EC65ADD) (tstamp a500369a-3292-46a6-8a64-7c1bf6098bda) (at 101.26 110.07) (descr "Light Touch Switch, https://industrial.panasonic.com/cdbs/www-data/pdf/ATK0000/ATK0000CE7.pdf") (property "Sheetfile" "D11C-hello.D11C.echo.1.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/1b6028e0-82f3-4874-9e6d-94f87c957dbf") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "SW4" (at 0 -2.65) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 02bac189-ce88-4201-a986-e602f9553dc1) ) (fp_text value "BUTTON_PTS636" (at 0 3) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 226e6848-5ca6-48e1-bb24-ee9637a3e720) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 -2.65) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp f0305a19-1293-46c9-9810-aa49b8dab8a4) ) (fp_line (start 3.1 -1.85) (end 3.1 -1.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 056f9cb3-715f-434f-b47c-815c372d9a5b)) (fp_line (start 3.1 1.85) (end 3.1 1.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 2eb44e1a-4042-4ea6-aca2-4836a6ec84e9)) (fp_line (start -3.1 -1.85) (end -3.1 -1.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 2f21cb60-1df5-4469-8858-6fe21b88fa8a)) (fp_line (start -3.1 1.85) (end 3.1 1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 7e72304a-4161-4a22-8d65-75ee76dcdf69)) (fp_line (start -3.1 1.2) (end -3.1 1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp bdf0e688-b15d-45d8-a79c-81e4aaf38323)) (fp_line (start 3.1 -1.85) (end -3.1 -1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp c5c59683-c7c2-4b4e-928e-13e0f78a5fa5)) (fp_line (start -3.95 2) (end -3.95 -2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 22785b00-396f-44a8-8e08-62628c54033a)) (fp_line (start -3.95 -2) (end 3.95 -2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 6356fe97-06cd-4a4b-b2f2-2e98498da4a1)) (fp_line (start 3.95 2) (end -3.95 2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp dde2f451-a39d-4356-be48-b264625a1f92)) (fp_line (start 3.95 -2) (end 3.95 2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp fa7a662e-0f2e-4762-a1b6-993570cda4cb)) (fp_line (start -1.5 0.75) (end -1.5 -0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 2103272c-7211-4351-8c30-d9ee75c2fa7e)) (fp_line (start 3 -1.75) (end 3 1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 43d030b0-c46c-4448-bc9e-987f12c7559d)) (fp_line (start -1.5 -0.75) (end 1.5 -0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 67ab6325-5225-42ee-86cc-5aee5e01efce)) (fp_line (start -3 1.75) (end -3 -1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 716698ac-ed16-401e-958b-a147596def51)) (fp_line (start 1.5 -0.75) (end 1.5 0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp bace1c82-95a6-4669-a7e7-5bc2416e7e84)) (fp_line (start -3 -1.75) (end 3 -1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp d9c9046c-34c5-4cac-9cb3-760e2219db2a)) (fp_line (start 3 1.75) (end -3 1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp dcc8b3c7-e00a-4c96-92c3-7cf68574fa70)) (fp_line (start 1.5 0.75) (end -1.5 0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp f238640e-3401-420a-ac31-a433f268cbfc)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at -4 0) (size 2.5 1.5) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 11 "SW4") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 68d49974-bc49-4d87-a030-93a7fa8ebeb6)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at 4 0) (size 2.5 1.5) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 7 "GND") (pinfunction "2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 917dba0e-1b1e-4fc1-b97b-7105df526305)) (model "${KISYS3DMOD}/Buttons_Switches_SMD.3dshapes/SW_SPST_EVQPE1.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:Button_C&K_PTS636_6x3.5mm" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 5EC65ADD) (tstamp d9486185-1c1d-4547-bd7d-6cdded6e4187) (at 157.48 107.95) (descr "Light Touch Switch, https://industrial.panasonic.com/cdbs/www-data/pdf/ATK0000/ATK0000CE7.pdf") (property "Sheetfile" "D11C-hello.D11C.echo.1.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/216f20b6-6b15-45b9-b014-4ef5b42afe8a") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "SW5" (at 0 -2.65) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp b1ef00bc-27fd-4f4a-a155-1b738e608b48) ) (fp_text value "BUTTON_PTS636" (at 0 3) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 77a09c2e-107d-4a82-95c7-b222303ba715) ) (fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 -2.65) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp 07678248-0774-49ca-a377-01b7e220adb6) ) (fp_line (start -3.1 1.85) (end 3.1 1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 1d5c7df0-522c-4a10-9a69-07abea9a1183)) (fp_line (start -3.1 1.2) (end -3.1 1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 211ba5f5-6627-4b10-b9d4-2b719a124b05)) (fp_line (start 3.1 1.85) (end 3.1 1.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 306245f6-c9a6-4171-8c7a-27ad4c131cc8)) (fp_line (start 3.1 -1.85) (end 3.1 -1.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 6884c1b4-ba74-400a-b15a-2bf546c04e73)) (fp_line (start -3.1 -1.85) (end -3.1 -1.2) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 80215c98-408c-4508-93c7-1e56cf06a8a8)) (fp_line (start 3.1 -1.85) (end -3.1 -1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ee19307b-ab88-4d6f-9dfb-4149660b5a08)) (fp_line (start 3.95 2) (end -3.95 2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 3be5bd27-9454-4a5f-b633-97d435ecd4be)) (fp_line (start 3.95 -2) (end 3.95 2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 60e6d176-aade-439f-80d8-764c13ba9024)) (fp_line (start -3.95 2) (end -3.95 -2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 6ec69bf0-bd27-4e31-8522-71d586cb9b08)) (fp_line (start -3.95 -2) (end 3.95 -2) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 7056f785-c3a5-4410-b6bb-e5d4b16e698a)) (fp_line (start 3 -1.75) (end 3 1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 03f16627-7ce3-4e9a-9706-778678e98c1c)) (fp_line (start -3 1.75) (end -3 -1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 181135d6-242b-4baf-94b0-054802ef6df0)) (fp_line (start 1.5 0.75) (end -1.5 0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 2143a25a-25e8-4e2e-9312-ce2f7400ce5a)) (fp_line (start -1.5 -0.75) (end 1.5 -0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 6bd7efd5-74f5-4b09-8bb7-5762073a2f78)) (fp_line (start 3 1.75) (end -3 1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 811d06c8-e35a-4323-8e51-11882cc1e2ee)) (fp_line (start 1.5 -0.75) (end 1.5 0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp c9a3c459-3ae2-4228-8c64-9130d340c1be)) (fp_line (start -3 -1.75) (end 3 -1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp f1926e02-3170-4727-853e-1c4f3bbf137d)) (fp_line (start -1.5 0.75) (end -1.5 -0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp fa93048a-0287-417c-a157-84428f11f7dd)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at -4 0) (size 2.5 1.5) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 12 "SW5") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 8fe07dfe-267e-4da8-ab2a-a7d656544a34)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at 4 0) (size 2.5 1.5) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 7 "GND") (pinfunction "2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp fd04ef58-75d9-44e8-b553-d9bff716e067)) (model "${KISYS3DMOD}/Buttons_Switches_SMD.3dshapes/SW_SPST_EVQPE1.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) ) ) (footprint "fab:LED_1206" (layer "F.Cu") (tedit 595FC724) (tstamp fd64adfd-7288-4b6b-9bb3-5c28af3724d1) (at 128 122.6 90) (descr "LED SMD 1206, hand soldering") (tags "LED 1206") (property "Sheetfile" "D11C-hello.D11C.echo.1.kicad_sch") (property "Sheetname" "") (path "/25f453d4-3ab6-400f-bb02-f3105c719532") (attr smd) (fp_text reference "D1" (at 0 -1.85 90) (layer "F.SilkS") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp ed627b00-fb84-4b7a-9d01-9badac161dc1) ) (fp_text value "LED" (at 0 1.9 90) (layer "F.Fab") (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (tstamp efe4c8d9-cfce-4ffc-8c0e-d9d1180438e0) ) (fp_line (start -3.1 -0.95) (end 1.6 -0.95) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 192e4ac9-53fe-4338-b069-7d61b90c7af8)) (fp_line (start -3.1 -0.95) (end -3.1 0.95) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 35d59ca8-1db9-45af-9492-c27c2acb7967)) (fp_line (start -3.1 0.95) (end 1.6 0.95) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 44e35874-3be0-47e3-a260-df376a194d53)) (fp_line (start -3.25 -1.11) (end 3.25 -1.11) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 397d4003-b8bf-4848-b866-45115afbd876)) (fp_line (start -3.25 -1.11) (end -3.25 1.1) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 64be6565-109b-4f1b-8c55-20a8b1f64109)) (fp_line (start 3.25 1.1) (end -3.25 1.1) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 9bb1b48a-6949-4ab8-b243-bf1e5398dc91)) (fp_line (start 3.25 1.1) (end 3.25 -1.11) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp aba9cfe4-c321-407c-a132-8864d9c9f6be)) (fp_line (start 0.2 0.4) (end -0.4 0) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 04592df1-1e3f-4700-999f-530051c6bf83)) (fp_line (start -0.4 0) (end 0.2 -0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 30bf0ee6-14c4-452e-8dce-1382fe719a10)) (fp_line (start 1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 5112a933-3b93-4a53-8dc3-7ffa2b79cb89)) (fp_line (start 0.2 -0.4) (end 0.2 0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 863a944f-ceee-4665-a982-3e5039c92191)) (fp_line (start -1.6 -0.8) (end 1.6 -0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 94deaf20-53a5-4825-9236-21763fe9c532)) (fp_line (start 1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp a81c8e5b-4b1c-49b6-b99d-c7f7655051ca)) (fp_line (start -0.45 -0.4) (end -0.45 0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp c6b13db8-cace-430e-8adb-7814babfd805)) (fp_line (start -1.6 0.8) (end -1.6 -0.8) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp e0ca1d0a-7f6c-4ab3-9164-5ab705b7d1dc)) (pad "1" smd rect locked (at -2 0 90) (size 2 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 7 "GND") (pinfunction "K") (pintype "passive") (tstamp e29993c5-6067-4173-a6f8-c49a9f017679)) (pad "2" smd rect locked (at 2 0 90) (size 2 1.7) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (net 15 "Net-(D1-Pad2)") (pinfunction "A") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 1d4c8d20-67f6-4e4f-8e7c-9ac1edd3417d)) (model "${KISYS3DMOD}/LEDs.3dshapes/LED_1206.wrl" (offset (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 180)) ) ) (gr_arc (start 149.53 94.01) (mid 167.055809 112.04339) (end 149.19 129.74) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (width 0.1) (tstamp 07269218-621a-47a5-9891-5e3129bea60f)) (gr_line (start 110.15 129.75) (end 149.32 129.8) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (width 0.1) (tstamp 580ae20d-e10f-412d-99f6-bda609bf48db)) (gr_line (start 110.2 93.91) (end 127.42 93.91) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (width 0.1) (tstamp 5d679bc5-259a-4438-9721-53795d2a9a65)) (gr_line (start 127.34 82.85) (end 139.86 82.85) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (width 0.1) (tstamp 6de4473b-7cf1-4e0d-84ed-8c19e3cb5032)) (gr_line (start 139.83 94.01) (end 149.53 94.01) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (width 0.1) (tstamp ade09c3f-a5f3-45a6-a508-4c73ee71c089)) (gr_line (start 139.83 82.8) (end 139.83 94.01) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (width 0.1) (tstamp c5457779-ee3b-484d-8238-775041a2118b)) (gr_arc (start 110.265 129.755) (mid 92.309975 111.83) (end 110.265 93.905) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (width 0.1) (tstamp cde87943-beb4-4cdf-875e-136cf4f68606)) (gr_line (start 127.42 93.91) (end 127.34 82.85) (layer "Edge.Cuts") (width 0.1) (tstamp e25ad861-3149-4913-aa3e-36c03c39741e)) (segment (start 141.35 104.64) (end 142.35 105.64) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 1) (tstamp 1d7a0a04-7aa4-4cfb-8847-f3afdc236e0d)) (segment (start 141.35 100.88) (end 141.35 104.64) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 1) (tstamp 34db1792-1f34-4472-9660-3981b280fc0a)) (segment (start 141.34 100.89) (end 141.35 100.88) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 1) (tstamp 55fe3bf1-d1f5-4d1e-9146-17813c7be24b)) (segment (start 136.21 100.89) (end 141.34 100.89) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 1) (tstamp fa036ac9-0e2a-4987-b929-d6ff4d7f8bf5)) (segment (start 127.09 112.93) (end 128.54 114.38) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 260e2bfc-3d1f-4301-a099-84321e10b42f)) (segment (start 127.09 105.96) (end 127.09 112.93) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 345feea4-dfe0-4014-8fc7-6e19cb829648)) (segment (start 128.54 114.38) (end 131.165 114.38) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp c65adabb-bf2b-4d0f-b365-24edde90be92)) (segment (start 131.26 104.7) (end 128.35 104.7) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp e2721bc0-0e6a-4575-b0d1-362e0ffdee3c)) (segment (start 128.35 104.7) (end 127.09 105.96) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp fbf93733-a27a-4e7e-997f-2c561c90c6c2)) (segment (start 128.98 111.84) (end 131.165 111.84) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 0fa262f7-2e16-42a0-9c31-091d50612d72)) (segment (start 128.13 110.99) (end 128.98 111.84) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 15037aab-6862-4870-af52-c0e1b96ef48e)) (segment (start 128.74 105.97) (end 128.13 106.58) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 3f305577-ddbe-4323-b8aa-5347a263c15b)) (segment (start 128.13 106.58) (end 128.13 110.99) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp caaedbbc-3820-4798-8d88-26f033528d47)) (segment (start 131.26 105.97) (end 128.74 105.97) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp de067d7a-f2f7-4227-8c64-b6e2bcf3747a)) (segment (start 163.58 102.78) (end 146.01 102.78) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 01e4515b-416a-4aaa-9d9e-2b2ff6be14f2)) (segment (start 146.01 102.78) (end 144.11 100.88) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 199d41d9-3595-4c85-b51c-483ea822fa35)) (segment (start 95.19 105.07) (end 95.19 118.13) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 21731065-561a-4464-9aca-313859497b66)) (segment (start 130.12 87.61) (end 130.12 96.54) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 25fe3add-7600-4b21-a354-a5025aaeda9d)) (segment (start 146.69 115.96) (end 161.07 115.96) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 518c7ac1-4e6b-4d15-9de4-bb0f281beaed)) (segment (start 161.07 115.96) (end 163.58 113.45) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 6f1bd350-20db-4e09-b369-bafd119b2147)) (segment (start 95.19 118.13) (end 103.69 126.63) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 7389dbd0-3358-4a90-86bd-d374586f10de)) (segment (start 130.12 96.54) (end 129.92 96.74) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 8630bd85-1816-4f34-b268-63ca7508d403)) (segment (start 136.02 126.63) (end 146.69 115.96) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 947413dd-6626-483b-b8b1-f57b612741b0)) (segment (start 144.11 100.88) (end 143.05 100.88) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 9c4445e8-2f79-4257-b09b-0794fc354a89)) (segment (start 103.52 96.74) (end 95.19 105.07) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp cf799195-ff13-4065-9ce0-a2d87b16b41b)) (segment (start 163.58 113.45) (end 163.58 102.78) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp f8bafeb4-a818-4205-8ec4-f65351cb73a1)) (segment (start 129.92 96.74) (end 103.52 96.74) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp fc9681d9-0bc5-42d1-9dd3-cb30bfef0f3b)) (segment (start 103.69 126.63) (end 136.02 126.63) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp ffad6cfb-c96e-435a-becc-1d2b62c94c15)) (segment (start 132.62 94.87) (end 133.25 95.5) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 1df5d875-8a9c-43e5-b202-fc86872522cf)) (segment (start 133.25 95.5) (end 133.25 104.67) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 4481f8e7-d64d-4cdd-a0b1-9920ebca6cc1)) (segment (start 133.28 104.7) (end 136.21 104.7) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 496408b5-bafd-4ac7-b0e0-ca6302c5c175)) (segment (start 132.62 88.11) (end 132.62 94.87) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp bc5f329d-1562-423b-9d91-410d0a841cbb)) (segment (start 133.25 104.67) (end 133.28 104.7) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp c51e6c18-e7b4-479e-9aba-1bcac67c96b5)) (segment (start 134.62 88.11) (end 134.62 94.71) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp 2fd862e9-db34-40e2-a9bb-aa09460a2702)) (segment (start 134.62 94.71) (end 133.92 95.41) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp 326a4693-fdaa-4642-9895-c43c0f658e2d)) (segment (start 133.92 103.4) (end 133.95 103.43) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp 3918f455-43b5-4b75-9cb3-d94d2246a79e)) (segment (start 133.95 103.43) (end 136.21 103.43) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp b817450e-6b27-4189-817d-6368469ba5d9)) (segment (start 133.92 95.41) (end 133.92 103.4) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp e370e64b-1579-4d62-8fdb-aef8912519b5)) (segment (start 107.48 113.47) (end 104.07 113.47) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 05c29075-cf5a-4568-b82b-4db7c07faf78)) (segment (start 104.07 113.47) (end 101.58 115.96) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 156748f6-c7a9-452b-9ed6-4b72e31b032e)) (segment (start 140.39 104.64) (end 137.91 102.16) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 1855d31c-efd5-4b54-ad76-2f1890852585)) (segment (start 142.35 109.64) (end 146.9 109.64) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 221290f4-0522-4f3d-864c-1a98b112eecc)) (segment (start 107.94 107.39) (end 105.26 110.07) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 28cf17db-4769-493d-9726-6c0ecf6e9b3d)) (segment (start 161.48 104.33) (end 161.48 107.95) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 2bb74159-ccb4-441d-b391-98059a48dcfa)) (segment (start 105.26 111.25) (end 107.48 113.47) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 31b5c8de-742b-48d3-94ec-d4161c91f4d4)) (segment (start 142.2 96.42) (end 140.6 94.82) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 3bb5327b-9465-433e-8366-0f2a616e9200)) (segment (start 105.26 110.07) (end 105.26 111.25) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 3bd43588-1de2-4244-9c1b-8e39f97c6ba6)) (segment (start 119.71 124.56) (end 120.78 124.56) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 45220f2b-5fff-485b-995c-4ef8f06f1024)) (segment (start 140.6 94.82) (end 137.12 94.82) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 5498892b-c4a2-4b4b-baaa-09d8b5c90b74)) (segment (start 134.62 97.32) (end 134.62 102.12) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 55311643-d7b8-4a29-b19e-bce86aa84e1d)) (segment (start 146.9 109.64) (end 152.4 104.14) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 575fdc89-9805-4266-a2d9-595fa263b11a)) (segment (start 119.84 124.43) (end 119.71 124.56) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 58f5d17e-7da3-47c3-af0b-6b9500d8aba6)) (segment (start 134.62 102.12) (end 134.66 102.16) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 5e8a4a02-5ed1-4eab-8321-d0ba5905ba64)) (segment (start 141.03 109.64) (end 140.39 109) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 5f30ab7f-c873-421e-a146-de4ae12eaab6)) (segment (start 101.58 115.96) (end 101.58 121.73) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 61f5f05b-cb34-463b-85b6-ef95d5f4f90b)) (segment (start 134.58 124.56) (end 144.76 114.38) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 64be834d-bdda-477a-95fc-3f098592acb4)) (segment (start 161.48 107.95) (end 161.48 110.3) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 66c614dc-9384-43e6-ab64-ba9e422cd3ed)) (segment (start 110.15 109.32) (end 107.94 107.11) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 66db50b6-9406-48d6-aed9-3bd6ebfaa94a)) (segment (start 142.16 114.38) (end 136.215 114.38) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 6acac382-3a70-4fe2-a8d0-e5fb81e6d25e)) (segment (start 161.48 110.3) (end 157.4 114.38) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 6af80696-59f4-4732-982d-daaad9d8f2a6)) (segment (start 161.29 104.14) (end 161.48 104.33) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 73eb8cce-d31f-424a-b1d5-e63d534c181c)) (segment (start 137.12 87.61) (end 137.12 94.82) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 74b15c23-64fb-4b0d-a247-7ccfe0bd3167)) (segment (start 134.66 102.16) (end 136.21 102.16) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 7cc17185-4e55-4e0f-9f60-cae6a356a4ff)) (segment (start 144.76 114.38) (end 142.16 114.38) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 7e6e9b1f-4d17-4862-8cb5-3c83bf5aaa37)) (segment (start 137.91 102.16) (end 136.21 102.16) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 899d05d4-79d2-4f45-8d6e-e774b34a4582)) (segment (start 110.15 110.13) (end 110.15 109.32) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 975be158-a5c6-4f55-a716-f363feb2e310)) (segment (start 104.41 124.56) (end 120.78 124.56) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp a7e1ae17-7ab9-461e-a7e6-1c49b98a1a78)) (segment (start 140.39 109) (end 140.39 104.64) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp bbeb0265-fc8d-4114-9a45-a850bc645741)) (segment (start 157.4 114.38) (end 144.76 114.38) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp be7234d8-7a59-4e3b-bee9-6445574a03ec)) (segment (start 120.78 124.56) (end 134.58 124.56) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp d01356f9-9c6d-4239-8798-edc1b6cf9a12)) (segment (start 142.35 109.64) (end 141.03 109.64) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp d9928095-8a9a-4cc9-a319-7d096f8f0abd)) (segment (start 137.12 94.82) (end 134.62 97.32) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp e50d54c8-69a5-436e-84c9-b61c59cc4992)) (segment (start 101.58 121.73) (end 104.41 124.56) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp ed7cf4e6-4dc8-4aec-9d24-7aabaa7f3f01)) (segment (start 107.94 107.11) (end 107.94 107.39) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp f2e85c16-5b0b-40bc-903e-61284a0f7f57)) (segment (start 142.2 98.48) (end 142.2 96.42) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp f85563c6-3285-46c6-a23f-d04429d9ad89)) (segment (start 152.4 104.14) (end 161.29 104.14) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp f981648a-9051-4db0-ae04-701549d3961c)) (segment (start 107.94 99.11) (end 108.7 98.35) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 8) (tstamp 1e1a3d74-5f93-4ab7-9621-a9f800d5b6bf)) (segment (start 108.7 98.35) (end 131.26 98.35) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 8) (tstamp 547c8240-a9c3-4e8e-820e-26bfb57dbf3b)) (segment (start 124.65 100.89) (end 131.26 100.89) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 0d532d27-804a-4352-b395-6a493e2f7385)) (segment (start 121.91 109.01) (end 121.91 103.63) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 54302b79-9245-409b-8531-3b9d722abf70)) (segment (start 120.79 110.13) (end 121.91 109.01) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 71a55c21-c16e-490d-96fc-cf481a4baf0b)) (segment (start 118.15 110.13) (end 120.79 110.13) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp cc0f6af0-3303-41b3-96a6-f6cf369451c9)) (segment (start 121.91 103.63) (end 124.65 100.89) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp f0da4885-8539-43b1-971a-1f0490fecd77)) (segment (start 109.94 121.47) (end 109.96 121.49) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 0323236d-02c2-4519-810b-868d4109cb21)) (segment (start 123.98 105.09) (end 126.91 102.16) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 32c1ef90-1d29-4ad2-9351-05c4901e4a90)) (segment (start 107.48 121.47) (end 109.94 121.47) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 8bad7213-0167-4258-8e74-4b741448205f)) (segment (start 123.45 112.37) (end 123.98 111.84) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp ab544ef9-a780-4b0e-80bc-0b28bc689d5c)) (segment (start 126.91 102.16) (end 131.26 102.16) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp b57e9c2e-2314-4f55-a5c8-81efeebad9f1)) (segment (start 119.08 112.37) (end 123.45 112.37) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp bb3f45e5-8485-4b69-9af4-0d3fdbee753d)) (segment (start 123.98 111.84) (end 123.98 105.09) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp bc278705-7e60-40ff-9d85-2733025605d9)) (segment (start 109.96 121.49) (end 119.08 112.37) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp f5d58812-4d00-4fd5-808a-b9ff11a7623b)) (segment (start 97.26 110.07) (end 97.26 106.59) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (tstamp 147b708e-c031-4de9-8abf-3b8668f0a22a)) (segment (start 116.98 103.13) (end 120.49 99.62) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (tstamp 365658c2-231a-4b09-a0e8-10185cd70364)) (segment (start 120.49 99.62) (end 131.26 99.62) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (tstamp 4285b1a7-0c16-48f6-b346-746b6ce99d09)) (segment (start 97.26 106.59) (end 100.72 103.13) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (tstamp 57389ba2-1e67-4439-b404-f0551e97fde0)) (segment (start 100.72 103.13) (end 116.98 103.13) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (tstamp 83fb2a6b-8acd-4397-8267-009684674ec2)) (segment (start 136.215 111.84) (end 149.59 111.84) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 1d2d30db-b500-450a-b39e-6551efbcdc39)) (segment (start 149.59 111.84) (end 153.48 107.95) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 3175d492-723d-4038-8b05-68ce2a5b3b7f)) (segment (start 138.2 111.84) (end 136.215 111.84) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 3abcc1cf-f1f4-4b5c-8ae8-1d398f94e228)) (segment (start 136.21 105.97) (end 138.64 105.97) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp bba48047-4df3-41ed-ac2b-baf152fd60dc)) (segment (start 139.43 110.61) (end 138.2 111.84) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp ddd506b9-e41d-4f92-9a7d-745c083388ad)) (segment (start 139.43 106.76) (end 139.43 110.61) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp e8b0ef86-7136-489d-8600-8d97ef3d2325)) (segment (start 138.64 105.97) (end 139.43 106.76) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp fc79c26b-aed6-4661-b60e-ae39129c3fa3)) (segment (start 126.6 119.2) (end 128 120.6) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp 1d154ffd-baf3-412f-a8fa-0bf1c53adbcb)) (segment (start 123.1 119.2) (end 126.6 119.2) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp 4be43a10-369d-45d8-86a5-455b53db6d8e)) (segment (start 125.58 112.72) (end 123.1 115.2) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 16) (tstamp 6ef337f9-ee7d-4c31-82d0-26884bd7720a)) (segment (start 125.58 105.58) (end 125.58 112.72) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 16) (tstamp 8faabdd9-dcf8-4100-a03d-a2ce4ffda506)) (segment (start 127.73 103.43) (end 125.58 105.58) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 16) (tstamp 9280740a-5d50-489f-a752-f7a97d27098a)) (segment (start 131.26 103.43) (end 127.73 103.43) (width 0.4) (layer "F.Cu") (net 16) (tstamp f31ad983-286f-4cb7-91f2-2940f445b16f)) )