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2. Project management


  • Update Create a personal website by describing the procedure
  • Update Introducing yourself
  • Update Download and sign the student contract
  • Update What software will be used? Description and installation tutorials

additional information

I work under gnu/linux, so all manipulations will be done on this Debian based system

GIT Tutorial

Process Go to GIT website : link

Open terminal (Debian/Ubuntu)

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git

Add your Git username and set your email

git config --global “YOUR_USERNAME”

Configure you email address for uploading

git config --global “”

Check if you have an SSH KEY already

cat ~/.ssh/

Generate your SSH key

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "$your_email"

Now let´s see your keygen

cat ~/.ssh/

Copy your key

xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/

Finally add the copied key to GIT on the web version

GIT commands to know

status : Displays the list of modified files as well as files that still need to be added and committed

git status

push : Sends local changes to the associated main branch

git push

pull : Merges all changes on the remote repository into the local working directory

git pull

commit : Commits changes to the HEAD

git commit -m "comments"

clone : Make a copy of the archives locally

git clone


git clone

Git command order Once the changes have been made, carry out the orders in the following order:

git add -A
git commit -m "comments"
git push

MKDOCS Tutorial

Process Go to MkDocs website : link

Open terminal

pip install mkdocs

MKDOCS commands to know go to the root of the local website

mkdocs serve

in your favourite browser, type in the address bar :

Remarkable Tutorial

ReMarkable is a Linux Markdown editor. Live Preview | Github Markdown | Export to PDF and html | Custom CSS | Syntax highlighting | Fully customisable | Keyboard shortcuts

Go to ReMarkable : link

sudo dpkg -i remarkable_1.87_all.deb

or if gdebi is installed

sudo gdebi install remarkable_1.87_all.deb

Good work, I think you need to move this from “Project Management” “Principles and practices”.