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8. Computer controlled machining

Individual project

As an exercise for this theme of the Fab lab Academy I will design the structure of a robotic arm, the material to be used is 9mm MDF of 2.40 x 1.20m. Next, let’s present the evidence of the procedure performed:

1.- The design of the pieces was made in the fusion 360 software.

2.- For the machining process, the Apire 9.5 software is used, whereas a first step the material is selected, and we place the factory measurements, 9mm MDF of 2.40 x 1.20m.

3.- The vectorized parts were exported to the Apire 9.5 software as you can see below.

4.- The next step is to group the imported vectors.

5.- We chose the mechanizing operation to use.

6.- We configure the cutting depth.

7.- We encrypt the parameters of the tool to be used with the help of the Fablab speed and Feeds Calculator tool.

8.- To prevent the final parts from deteriorating in the cutting process, tabs are added.

9.- Finally we proceed to the cutting process, which is observed in 3D.

Last update: June 4, 2022