I love this cheatsheet Neil showed us on the first class:
Checking the size of a folder¶
Checking the size of a git repository¶
# File
cp $file ~/Documents
# Folder
cp -r $folder ~/Documents
# Content of a file into the clipboard
xclip -selection clipboard < $file
Convert a video.mkv in video.mp4¶
Compress a video and removing the sound¶
Cut a video¶
Accelerate or deccelerate a video¶
Turn a batch of images into a video¶
Create a video from these images (r = number of images by seconds
ffmpeg -r 5 -f image2 -s 840x560 -i %d.png -vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p video.mp4
Last update:
May 31, 2022