There are 3 sections that require networking integration.
- Main microcontroller to ESP01 board from week12
- Entire system to Computer Application.
Main microcontroller to ESP01 board¶
As the ESP01 board has a hardware serial port, I decided that the ESP01 will send velocities to the microcontroller via hardware serial. By using simple Serial.parseFloat()
commmands, I am able to get 3 velocities from the serial port of ESP01. This is pretty much the same process as in week13
Entire system to Computer Application¶
Since I am using MQTT protocol, from the microcontroller side I changed the listening of topics from attiny1614/led
to omniwheel_controller/location
. The schema that I followed was:
Next, I removed the circles which indicated which buttons were pushed from week15 Application Programming. And from those arrows, I did an MQTT publish for a short ratio of movement in the direction. These values can be determined when I am doing calculations for velocities for each wheel.
- final computer application application rar file