# Overview Send a message between 2 projects ## Group project The common project we have is an ESP32 hooked up with an RGB LED. The ESP32 conencts to my mobile hotspot, connects to a local MQTT broker and subscribes to an MQTT topic called `attiny1614/led`, takes that value and blinks the LED 3 times with that particular interval. Below is a diagram of the ESP32 we are using. <img src="./esp32_using.jpg" /> <br/> Below is the physical wiring diagram: <img src="./esp32_wiring.jpg" /><br/> - ESP32 GPIO19 -- B channel of RGB LED - ESP32 GPIO23 -- G channel of RGB LED - ESP32 GPIO18 -- R channel of RGB LED - ESP32 GND -- GND pin of RGB LED <br /> Below is a video of the ESP32 subscribing to the MQTT topic `atting1614/led`. <video height="480" controls> <source src="./esp32.mp4" type="video/mp4"/> Browser does not support video tag </video><br/> ## Integration with Bryan's project Bryan: From my fabricated ESP01 board, I am waiting for messages from Serial port. When I receive the message, I publish it to the MQTT topic `attiny1614/led`, which then makes the LED blink 3 times. For demo purposes, I've sent the same exact 3 messages from ESP01 to the ESP32. <video height="480" controls> <source src="./week13_grp_assignment_final.mp4" type="video/mp4"/> Browser does not support video tag </video><br/> Some screenshots are added below as the video might be too blurry. The images are purposely left big to be easier to see the values (and potentially refer the video). <img src="./first_send.jpg" /> First information sent: 1234 <br/> <br/> <img src="./second_send.jpg" /> First information sent: 500 <br/><br/> <img src="./third_send.jpg" /> First information sent: 1500 <br/><br/> <img src="./all_3_received.jpg" /> Received information: 1234, 500, 1500 <br/><br/> ## Files - ESP32 code [.ino](./RGB_week13.ino)