# Overview of Group Assigment 1. Measure power consumption of output Devices ## 0. Foreword Our team had referenced <br> <br> 1. [FabAcademy SP 2020 Group assignment](http://fabacademy.org/2020/labs/singapore/group.assignments/assignment08.html) <br> ## Group assignment: 1. We measure the output consumption of Servo motor. The voltage supplied to servomotor was this waveform and the current supplied was 0.01A We measure the voltage and current across the servomotor and displayed it's waveform via oscilloscope. <img src="./servo.jpeg" width="480" /> <img src="./Voltage1.PNG" width="480" /> <img src="./Voltage2.PNG" width="480" /> <img src="./Voltage3.PNG" width="480" /> Using Power = time Integral of {current(t) x voltage(t)}, As the waveform is simple, we can approximate using a stepwise function w.r.t. duty cycle to calculate the power draw. max sustain power = Peak Voltage \* Peak Current \* max duty cycle max duty cycle = 2.15ms / 20.17ms -> 180 degrees = 10.66% max sustain power = 4.96V \* 0.27A \* 10.66% = 0.1428W <br/><br/> min sustain power = Peak Voltage \* Peak Current \* min duty cycle min duty cycle = 0.65ms/20.17ms -> 0 degrees = 3.22% min sustain power = 4.96V \* 0.27A \* 3.22% = 0.0432W <br/><br/> The values above are averaged out over a second, the peak power is: P = I\*V = 0.27 \* 4.96 = 1.34W <video width="320" height="240" controls> <source src="./Servo.mp4" type="video/mp4"> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video>