3. Computer Aided design¶
This week I have to go through 2D(raster, vector), 3D softwares to learn how they work and how to render,animate,simulate,..a model in them. Following youtube tutorials, I have learnt various things on this assignment
2D design¶
“For 2D, I have learnt GIMP for Raster and INKSCAPE for vector.”
1. Gimp: it is an image manipulation program which is free,open-source,raster graphics editor used for image manipulation(retourching) and image editing,free-form drawing,transcoding between different image formats.It is not designed to be used for drawing.
Raster graphics represent a 2D image as a rectangural matrix or grid of square pixels,vieuable via a computer display,paper or other medium. Raster image are compiled using pixels,or tiny dots,containing unique color and total information that come together to create the image, they are resolution dependent, the number of pixels that make up an image and how many of those pixels are displayed per inch both determine the quality of image, when you increase the image size, its quality reduced.
After dawnloading GIMP on GIMP Website, I installed it on my local computer following steps of installation and when I open it, I saw a lack window then by clicking on File–>New(to create a New file) but you can also Open an existing one like a photo to edit it. Then there are primary and advanced settings you have to set for your New file as you can see below
I have learnt different tasks you can perform using GIMP software:
You can Change your photo background and edit it as below
You can modify Text, You can work with Text to add it on clothes or other materials
You can use GIMP to create your own Logo As I did by creating 03 circles and write my name in my logo using different layers
Below, I tried to change my logo Background by adding on an other dawnloaded from internet
Below, It is my logo with the New Background
2. InkScape:it is also open source,but it is a vecor application, capable of handling vector graphics along line as Adobe illustrator, it works best with images that are based on geometric vectors, vectors use the geometry of points lines and curves to develop the graphics allowing it to enlarge or reduce without any loss of integrity. Vector image or line art keep track of points and the equations for the lines that connect them; Vector image made up of paths/line art that can infinitely scalable because they work based on algorithms rather than pixels. Below, is what you see when you open InkScape at your first time, it provides an interface whivh allow you to design on your 2D model, It comes with fill and stroke color of the last design. As many other CAD design, when you want to create your new project go to File —>Newthen using provided tools you may design what you want. For me I have used InScape to design a simple and small box.
I have used create rectangles and squares tool to create my Box sides, then I created an other small rectangle to cut and create my box joints, As you see below, I have used my small rectangle to create joints on one of my box sides.
Below, the side created above was used to cut other side joints by selecting both and choose path–>difference
Below is the Box base designing using also the part created.
Below, is my Box Base and all its four sides. Two by two sides are identical.
Below, is my Box parts ready to cutted.
3D Modeling¶
1. FreeCAD
For 3D modeling softwares, it was not easy for me because it is my first time of healing CAD softwares, but am doing whatever it takes me to catch up and start also designing amazing real objects using them. After viewing various tutorials on SolidWorks and FreeCAD, I realized that solidWork is for complex designs and its tutorials I had pass trought did not provided step by step guidance like FreeCad tutorials did but I tried and design a simple chair in SolidWorks. I have designed my first 3D model in FreeCad as you will see.
FreeCAD is a popular open source design software for creating 3D models of real life objects. FreeCAD is a 3D modeling software which comes for free as its name implies means you can dawnload it freely on FreeCAD website and CAD stands for Computer Aided Design.
FreeCAD is a 3D design program that allows you to easily navigate and modify your 3D model by brousing back into the model history and change its individual elements.
FreeCAD offers workbenches which allow you to specify what you want do, for instance Draft workbench when you want draft and it has its own useful tools, Part workbench wher you can make a part of a real life object, through this workbench I have learnt how to add primitives like cylinder and a cube and how to substract one from an other. There is an other useful workbench called Part design where you can sketch your own more on any choosen plane by selectingPart Design–>tasks–>sketch
FreeCAD also has a constraints feature, where you need to fully constraints your skech by checking the degree of freedom remains and when become zero, your sketch turn into green which means that it is fully constraints.
After dawnloading FreeCAD on my laptop and install it by following steps for its installation, aided by a youtube tutorial I design a 3D mode below are steps I have passed in.
Below, is the orginal model I want to create using FreeCAD
What I see on my first time when I open FreeCAD software, it starts in Start workbench
I have changed the workbench to Part Design because I want to scketch my model then Start Body—>Create Scketch and below is what I see
Below is viewed when I choose XZ_Plane to scketch on
Below is a sckeched L(a main part of my model) on the above plane
After choosing Pad to make my L-sketch a 3D model
Scketching a hole form on a side of my model
My scketch on its side of the model.
Is this what I see, After creating a Pocket
Scketching a second hole on the pocket
What I see, After choosing Pockets in Tasks and make it pass through the model and then resulted to the model I was creating.
2. SolidWorks Solidworks is also a 3D modeling software and it is which was complicated than FreeCad but i learnt it and I will contunue as I see that I will need it in designing industrial tools.
I have designed a Chair in SolidWorks, I have Installed SolidWorks in my laptop, I got it from my FabAcademy classmate. By starting SolidWorks , it offers interfaces to create a New Part, Assembly, and Drawing; I choose Part because I want to create parts—>Sketch—> Scketch —>Front Plane then a Front plane to scketch on was opened as shown below and I choose MMGS at the bottom of the interface to use millimeters as unit.
Below, I started by designing my chair base using a square of 50millimeters, I add on an equal relations and my square become fully defined as seen and mentions at the bottom part of the interface too.
Below, is a 3mm Boss-Extrude of my chair base
I learnt how to add fillets, which I will use later so that my chair look niece
Below, is a 3mm side square created to be extruded to generate my chair leg
Below, I was creating multiple small squares for my chair leg using Mirror tool.
Below, I have also created 3mm small rectangle for creating the learn on part of my chair.
Below, my chair is almost finished
Now, my produced chair model in SolidWorks
Useful links¶
File Used Here