Final project
A Cubesat is a type of satellite called NANOSATELLITE due to its size and its weight (200g) mounted on balloon. The payload is a 1U CubeSat which has the dimensions of about 120 ×120 ×120 mmm. For this project, the CubeSat was designed such that the frame contains three layers of PCB connected with each other for proper functioning.
- The first layer is the microcontroller section, which acts like the brain of the CubeSat.The microcontroller is used to give commands from the various sensors and receive the information from them.
- The second layeris the experimental layer, which contains the various sensors and electronic modules essential for the experiment.
- The third layer is the power supply layer, which is used to supply power to the CubeSat.
- fourth balloon for carrying the cubesat 1.skech of the project 2.Problem statment First thing i have to determine the mission of my cubesat
Mission:Forest Monitoring using Cubesat Mounted on Balloon¶
Forest monitoring using cubesat mouted on balloon tool designed to:
- Increase knowledge and transparency about landscapes
- harness information to mobilise locations and civils society
- advancing private sector action to stop comodity driven deforestation and manage forest sustainably Why monitor from cubesat
- Allow us to cover large areas
- Allow us to more easly compare different areas
- Allow us to repeat observation reguraly
- Allow us to view places that would be difficut to reach
The EPS(ELectrical Powering System) that is composed by rechargeable batteries and solar panels that power them. For my system was covered by 4 batteries that will provide 6V while connected in parallel powered by a 7V solar pannel series connection and helium balloon for deployment in space,parachutte recaverly and the payload. To make this happen I’ll really need to concentrate on seven things. * The Prep * Payload * The Balloon * Parachute * testing. * The Launch * The Recovery. Each has it’s challenges, but i don’t worry, I’ll walk on it through each step. To make it simple I’ll have to do it using this procedure.
My Tasks¶
Acquire what is needed (links to where I bought everything )
- Accelerometer
- li-ion battery
- air temperature(avail.ds 18b20)
- camera(esp 32 camera)12k8
- GSM(avail.sim800I)
- battery charger
- solar panel
Prepare the package (the payload is just cubesat into space)
Launch and recovery:¶
There is some math involved, i used this linkhere Calculator at Habhub to calcurate the requirements
Prep: Things i will need¶
A payload is the cubesat or cubesat i will send up to space with the balloon – the one i will hopefully retrieve all data from my cubesat after it floats safely back to Earth
I used 5 GoPros to send up with extra battery packs (this is what I did, so I’m starting here – exclude as needed) Something to mount them on in desired configuration – styrofoam cooler, adhesive, camera mounts, 3M stickies, plexiglass, foam Helium Balloon – 3, 300g balloons, 80,000ft, 8FT Diameter, 12’4” burst
- GPS tracking device – Spot 3
- Parachute – 6foot Something cool to put in the frame? Ultimately we attached a ruler and a photo of us, but an altimeter could also be cool. Hand-warmers if i want to extend the life of the cameras. (they do add weight to the payload though).
- Duct tape (do not use metal tape)
- Digital scale (for accuracy weighing payload)
- Helium Cylinder i chosed the large, but a smaller one might do as well.
- Tank Regulator
- Plastic tubing
- Zip ties
- Small piece of PVC
The parachute¶
The parachute is going to allow my payload to drift gently down to
earth. I’ll need to get one that matches the weight of my payload. I can find here
The Balloon¶
The balloon is like the parachute, it needs to be matched to the size of my payload. The size also relates to how high i want it to go. There is some math needed in this section. How high will the balloon go before it bursts? First, i need to find the burst altitude. i suggest going to this Burst Calculator at Habhub Some of the questions i want to ask at this stage are : * How do i get a balloon? How much weight can it carry? * How far will the balloon go? How high? Altimeter? * What will be its top rate of speed? How does speed vary on rate and descent? * How long will it take to get to space? * When will the balloon pop? Calculations How much helium balloon plus payload Approximate lift of spherical volumes in liters of Helium in diameters of feet and lift in pounds. Assuming standard temperatures and pressures and no significant overpressure. Remember that hydrogen and methane are serious explosion and fire hazards so only use helium balloons.
Filling the balloon¶
Filling the balloon is easy. All i’ll do is stick in a plastic tube, connected to the helium ballon and start filling it up. It’s not rocket science although i will want to make certain that i am not filling it too much or too little. i filled my balloon to a diameter of 6′ so that it would burst at 12′ and have the right ascent and descent rate. Here is a good link for more info on that
The powering system of cubesat by using panel solar
schematic design of my project¶
PCB design¶
milling my pcb board
final pcb
sudeling the final project pcb
2D and 3D Modeling¶
I add here my modeling and design of my cubesat.
final result
The materials used to build my cubsat
Qty | Materials | Price | Link |
1 | GPS(Avail.Ublox m6 | 8.00 $ | |
1 | Accelorometer | 6.00 $ | |
1 | li-ion battery(avail | 16.00 $ | |
1 | airtempeature sensor | 20.00 $ | |
1 | esp 32camera. | 10.00 $ | |
1 | humidity sensor. | 9.00 $ | |
1 | GSM | 22.00 $ | |
1 | balloon. |