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IAmATree VR Project

IAmATree is a VR project developed using Unity 2022.3.32f1, URP 14.0.11, and XR Interaction Toolkit by Unity 2.5.4 as part of the UBISS 2024 Workshop D: Virtually Real? in Oulu, Finland. This immersive experience guides users through the life stages of a tree, offering a profound journey from harmony to disruption, and ultimately, reflection. The actual documentation for the project can be found here.


VR Experiment

The project begins in a beautiful, serene natural environment, symbolizing a healthy, thriving tree surrounded by vibrant greenery. In stark contrast, the second stage plunges the user into a chaotic, fearful state, representing the destructive impact of human activities on nature. The final stage features a tree floating in a void, prompting self-reflection on the experience and evoking a desire to return to the initial state of tranquility.

A beautiful tree

Last update: June 15, 2024