7. Computer-Controlled Machining¶
Because of covid-19, our lab was locked down this week, so the Shopbot we planed to use is also “lockdowned” to us. This week I almost stayed at home, so I want to design sth a little bit more complicated for me…
Safety & Test machine (G.A.)¶
Design Rules¶
Enough space between lines that allow the end mills to go through, otherwise the lines could cover each other. We use Diameter 6.35 mill, the space could be above 6.5 mm.
As the end mill is cylinder, it’s hard to cut the 90 degree angle without breaking the production and losing materials.
The edge for X, Y axis is at least 30 mm.
// Compared with Fusion 360, V Carve Pro is simple and easy to use and set the parameters.
This is my first time to “Make sth big” with Fusion360, so it takes me much more time in modeling, but Fusion360 is indeed very intuitive, and easy to learn, to model than Rhino I think. ;p
Sketch it!
I want to make a coat stand. So after I searched for inspiration in Amazon, Pinterest ......
I desided to make a cane! This is a megitec cane from Final Fantasy XIV!
BTW, I want to put a led like this to light the crystal!
Modeling it!
Rander it!
Some nice suggestions!
Suggestions from Saverio, Rico, Milliam… Explained and drawed by Saverio.
Thank for all of you!Milliam also said that I can make a board to control the crystal light. When I plug it in the base, the LED will light. SO COOL!
Rico-san also mentioned that someone made a Harry Potter’s Elder Wand with CNC. YTB link Fantastic! (but a hard work maybe)
About the base
Group assignment:
Complete your lab’s safety training Test runout, alignment, speeds, feeds, and toolpaths for your machine Document your work to the group work page and reflect on your individual page what you learned
Individual project
Make (design+mill+assemble) something big Learning outcomes Demonstrate 2D design development for CNC production Describe workflows for CNC production Have you answered these questions? Linked to the group assignment page Documented how you designed your object (something big) Documented how you made your CAM-toolpath Documented how you made something BIG (setting up the machine, using fixings, testing joints, adjusting feeds and speeds, depth of cut etc.) Described problems and how you fixed them Included your design files and ‘hero shot’ photos of final object