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7. Computer controlled machining

We did a safety training and an equipment workshop at our lab. The following description is by Yusuke.

7.2 Safety training(as group assignment)

Our local instructors, experienced members, and students gathered in our lab on the exercise day and did safety trainings for the machine.

7.2.1 The risks of the machine:

The large, powerful machine would easily injure or even kill people when handled improperly.
The machine would easily catch fire, because it generates a large amount of flammable dust during its operation.

7.2.2 Clothing:

Don’t wear gloves or towels, not to get caught in the rotating part.
Wear safety goggles that protect your eyes.
Wear safety masks, not to inhale hazardous dust.

7.2.3 Handling of end mills:

Take care not to get hurt by touching the blades of mills directly.

7.2.4 Handling of work:

Fasten the work firmly on the base, otherwise it would chip away..

7.2.5 Operation:

Check its machining origine carefully (especially Z-axis), otherwise the end mill may move down too deep and cut through the base.
Keep away from the machine when it is working, not to be attacked by its moving parts.
Keep eyes on the machine during operation. Push emergency abort button when you see anything goes wrong.

7.3 Test for our machine

We tested runout, alignment, fixturing, speeds, feeds, materials, and toolpaths for our machine.

7.3.1 Machine:

7.3.2 Control box:

7.3.3 Control panel:

7.3.4 Display panel:

7.3.5 Collet chucks:

7.3.6 Endmills:

7.3.7 Set an endmill to the chuck:

7.3.8 Test run of the machine using a jog mode of the remote controller:

Last update: June 29, 2022