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PCB sending out from Eagle to board house

Ref. Export Gerber file from Eagle_JP
Ref. seeed FusionPCB blog 基板製造の仕様_JP

Board house

Seeed Fusion PCB


Relation Eagle layers and Gerber file

Eagle Layers Gerber and drill file
Single side PCB milling
1 Top
17 Pad
18 Vias
Top Copper (.GTL) 銅箔パターン(おもて面) 1 Top
17 Pad
18 Vias
16 Bottom
17 Pads
18 Vias
Bottom copper (.GBL) 銅箔パターン(裏面) -
21 tPlace
25 tNames
Top Silkscreen (.GTO) シルク印刷(おもて面) -
22 bPlace
26 bNames
Bottom Silkscreen (.GBO) シルク印刷(裏面) -
29 tStop Top Soldermask (.GTS) ソルダレジスト(おもて面) -
30 bStop Bottom Soldermask (.GBS) ソルダレジスト(裏面) -
20 Dimension
46 Milling
Mechanical (.GML) Board Outline

48 Document
Drill Layer (.TXT) ドリル 116 centerDrill

Board Outline


For PCB milling with mods, 48 Document is used as board outline and 20 Dimension is always larger than board size to make the outline milling path.
But for Gerber file, 20 Dimension will be board outline.

Move Dimension(yellow lines) to the board size


System Examples -> Third Party -> Seeed Fusion ->

Saved as .zip file


No need to unzip
If unzip the zip file, these are included

Panelize and V-cut (面付けとV-cut)

Ref . V-cut_JP


The manufacturing cost per board can be reduced by manufacturing multiple boards as a single board by laying them together.  
If you specify V-Cut between the boards, you can divide it with your own hands.


Basic rule

Ref. Panelize and V-cut_JP

  1. Draw V-cut line on 20_Dimension layer in Eagle
  2. Impossible to V-cut on Round board shape. V-cut line should be straight from the edge of board to the other side of the edge
  3. Add mark “V-CUT” on 20_Dimension layer as below

4.Distance between V-cut line and Cupper line shoud be more than 0.4mm

How to do

Ref. Panelize and V-cut in Eagle_JP

Tool -> Panelize… -> Execute


Layers will be Copied
- 25 tNames -> 125_tNames
- 26 bNames -> 126_bNames

Show all laysers

  • Move mouse pointer to (0,0)
  • Ctrl + A
  • Ctrl + C
  • Ctrl + W -> Save -> No

Open new board

Set grid as same as the original board

Paste (Ctrl + V ) at (0,0)

Paste (Ctrl + V ) just next to the previous one
Two J1s exist in one board, not continuous numbers

Paste (Ctrl + V ) until 100 x 100 mm size as minimize the cost

Redraw all Dimension line with Line Width 0

Add Text V-CUT on the same layer (20 Dimension)


To make Gerber file, select 125_tNames, instead of 25 tName

  • 25 tName continuous numbers
  • 125_tName un-continuous numbers


  • 25 x25mm x75P: 18.32USD -> 18.32/75= 0.24USD/board
  • 100x100mm x10P: 4.9USD -> 4.9/(4x4 x10)= 0.003USD/board

Round board shape


V-CUT is only accepted when the board shape is made by straight lines. But in case to make round corner shape, this is how to do it.

Ref. Round board shape_JP

It is OK if you select a line with rounded corners in 20_Dimension and draw the outline of the board. Width is 0.


Last update: December 3, 2022