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About me

Moin1! I am Roland, (semi-)husband, father of two, research officer at HSRW Kleve, tinkerer as long as I can remember.

My background

I grew up in Central/Northern Germany in a rural area situated between extensive forests and heath. Strolling through the woods with my brothers made me appreciate the gorgeous nature around us. At the same time, building and repairing things was always a part of my life.

A few years later I found myself in Berlin with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology. Somehow though, during my studies I had started tinkering with an Arduino (Duemilanove was the newest model back then, so it must have been around 2012…), which lit a fire in me that’s still burning today… I decided I had to merge this newfound love for electronics making into my biology career path and reoriented towards the field of Bionics/Biomimetics2, which I still work in today.

Previous work

Over the years I’ve dabbled in a lot of things taught in FabAcademy, like microcontrollers, at-home pcb making, various other electronics projects, cutting with plotters and lasercutters, 3D-printing, programming (badly) in a few different languages, CAD (both in GUI as well as code-based) etc. While I do feel familiar around many processes we also use in the FabLab, there is always more to learn, there are always more facets to discover and the rabbit hole just always goes on and on… So I am super excited to be part of FabAcademy to challenge myself to learn new ways of doing things and deepen my existing knowledge and hone my fab skills.​

  1. “Mornin’!” in Northern German Style 

  2. What we commonly call “Bionik” in Germany is more similar to “Biomimetics”, not necessarily “Bionics” (which is more prosthetics-related) 

Last update: January 31, 2022 23:57:58
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