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14. Interface and application programming

Weekly Summary

  • Connect Arduino and Processing


  • group assignment
  • compare as many tool options as possible
  • individual assignment
  • write an application that interfaces a user with an input &/or output device that you made

Kamakura Group Assignment Week14

Individual Assignment

I researched a light on and off with Analog pin on Arduino.

Here is the website that I followed. (Japanese only)

Connecting an Arduino and LED.

Arduino 5V and LED +, Arduino ~9 pin and LED -.

This is the code.

// led_brightness_sample1

const int led_pin = 9;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  for ( int led_value = 0; led_value < 256; led_value += 10 ) {
    analogWrite( led_pin, led_value );
    delay( 30 );
  for ( int led_value = 255; led_value > -1; led_value -= 10 ) {
    analogWrite( led_pin, led_value );
    delay( 30 );

I added as follow in “void setup”

Serial. begin(9600);

and as follow in the end of “void loop”

Serial.println(led_value );

It is whole code as follow;

const int led_pin = 0;

void setup() {
  Serial. begin(9600);

void loop() {
  for ( int led_value = 0; led_value < 256; led_value += 10 ) {
    analogWrite( led_pin, led_value );
    delay( 30 );
  for ( int led_value = 255; led_value > -1; led_value -= 10 ) {
    analogWrite( led_pin, led_value );
    delay( 30 );

    Serial.println(led_value );

Simply light on and off as analog way

let’s see with Processing graphics.

import processing.serial.*;

Serial mySerial;

String myString = null;
int nl = 10;
float myVal;

void setup(){

  mySerial = new Serial(this, "COM19", 9600); //type your port name in the middle

void draw(){

 while (mySerial. available() > 0) {
   myString = mySerial.readStringUntil(nl);

   if (myString != null){
   background(150,10,0); //change the color
   myVal = float(myString);

   myVal = myVal/200* height;

  rect(width/2, height-(myVal/2), 100, myVal);

You can see the white rectangle in the middle

I reconnected my PCB next.

I road the code with UPDI, and change to connect with UART for serial monitor.

Nose PCB

// led_light

const int led_pin = 0;

void setup() {
  Serial. begin(9600);

void loop() {
  for ( int led_value = 0; led_value < 256; led_value += 10 ) {
    analogWrite( led_pin, led_value );
    delay( 100 );
  for ( int led_value = 255; led_value > -1; led_value -= 10 ) {
    analogWrite( led_pin, led_value );
    delay( 100 );



import processing.serial.*;

Serial mySerial;

String myString = null;
int nl = 10;
float myVal;

void setup(){

  mySerial = new Serial(this, "COM15", 9600); //type your port name in the middle

void draw(){

 while (mySerial. available() > 0) {
   myString = mySerial.readStringUntil(nl);

   if (myString != null){
   background(150,10,0); //change the color
   myVal = float(myString);

   myVal = myVal/200* height;

  rect(width/2, height-(myVal/2), 100, myVal);

I can see the value with graphic.

What I learned

I learn I can connect Arduino IDE and Processing. and a little bit about programming in processing.

I am interested to create generative art. so I tried to keep learning about it.


Last update: May 9, 2022