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19. Project Development

  • Complete your final project tracking your progress.

Tasks have been Completed and what I learn and how I fix the problems

Main construction

I start and finish the main construction body for my project because I Have many sheets inside the main box I want to realize how I will fix them and arrange them, especially the electronic part because I have too many wires.

problem Solve

in the beginning, I used 18mm plywood with the wrong cutting tool after I cut it I find the cut was not clean and the box was very heavy, hard to move so I replace it by using MDF 9mm with upcut cutting tool.

The puzzles

I finish cutting the pieces of the puzzle, my colleagues and my sister tried to arrange it because the pieces fall down when I try to get them from the laser cutting machine and All the pieces were scattered in different places the spouse arranged 144 pieces of puzzle☺ Sorry for them.

Addressable LED

this is my first time working I try to practice with Arduino LED strip made by WS2812B LEDs wired in series. These LEDs have an IC built right into the LED. This allows communication via a one-wire interface. This means that you can control lots of LEDs using just one digital pin of your Arduino.

after I understand how the LED work and the types of LED strips I understand what LED need I need to order it from Amazon I Need to WS2812B addressable led 63 Pi to pay more to arrive earlier.

problem Solve

I note that each time I turn on the led and send some coding I face problems like one LED just turning on and sometimes one pixel LED turns on by different color, I search and ask about how I can fix this problem to fix it I need to add a capacitor with GND and VCC OR I can add resistor with each data pin for me I add capacitor with GND and VCC and after all, every single LED working very well without any problems.


At this point, I understand what will I do and how many pins I need so I start drawing and milling my PCB

problem Solve

Atmega328 has 28 pins in total very small and attach so after I mill it I find some traces connected together I use a cutter to cut but by accidentally cutting the wires do I add jumpers

Project management

I’m using the Nation application

To manage all weekly tasks during fab academy I’m using the Nation application, to be honest, sometimes I forget to write or I skip my to-do list and start other tasks but so far this application mange me

πŸ”» I copied what was inside the Notion app πŸ”»

I divided my Final project tasks into weeks

WEEK 1 :

βœ”οΈ Creating a 3D object for my final project.

β›” Cut the outbox of my final project (the body construction).

β›” Assembly the body construction.

βœ”οΈ Buy the materials needs from local store.

βœ”οΈ Search for the right calligraphy for my puzzle.

βœ”οΈ Start practice with old addressable to understand how its works.

βœ”οΈ Document my work as much possible as I can.

WEEK 2 :

βœ”οΈ Assembly the body construction.

βœ”οΈ Paint the body construction.

βœ”οΈ Design and cut the puzzle calligraphy.

β›” Design and cut other Acrylic sheets.

βœ”οΈ complete my practice with old addressable to understand how it works and prepared the coding file.

βœ”οΈ Order the Addressable LED and some of the electronic needs.

βœ”οΈ Start preparing a draft for the final presentation and final video.

β›” Start designing the 3D Models and print them.

βœ”οΈ Document my work as much possible as I can.

WEEK 3 :

βœ”οΈ Design and cut the puzzle calligraphy.

βœ”οΈ Start Design the 3D Models .

β›” Draw the Schematic and cut the board.

βœ”οΈ Start designing the 3D Models and print them.

βœ”οΈ Assembly the LED Strips and solder and connect them to the coding file.

WEEK 4 : (I hope Next week I finished all the tasks at the exact time,, I’m very worried)

Last week I feel very stressed.

Solder the components on my board and test them.

connect the LED and upload the code.

Design and print the 3D print to hols the puzzles.

Complete the final presentation and video.

Icon Task statute
βœ”οΈ Task complete
β›” Task pending

Last update: July 22, 2022