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13. Input devices

Hello again!

Boards and equipment

As I’m so concerned with not creating too much E-waste, I’ll be upcycling the board I made in week 11, the output device week.

In the Ísafjörður Fab lab, I found a box containing a bunch of sensors. I’m going to test some of those sensors. This minimizes the amount of E-waste, as I can use my own board and the sensors can reused later for teaching or other projects. This makes the earth happy.

Sensor box

Sensor box

A new PlatformIO project

Again, I will be using VSCode and PlatformIO to write and upload the code. Like before, I create a project within the VSCode workspace and specify the ATtiny412 microchip as the target board.

New project

New project

As before, I modify the platform.ini file with configuration I used before:

platform = atmelmegaavr
board = ATtiny412
framework = arduino
upload_speed = 115200
upload_flags =
upload_command = pyupdi $UPLOAD_FLAGS -v -f $SOURCE

To make sure everything works correctly, I again put in a test code to blink the LED every second.

#include <Arduino.h>

// Create variable LEDPIN as PA3
const byte LEDPIN = PIN_PA3;
volatile byte LEDstate = LOW;

void setup() {  
  // Set pin PA3 as output
  pinMode(LEDPIN, OUTPUT);

  // Set pin PA3 to LOW
  digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LEDstate);

void loop() {
  // Turn led on for 1 sec
  digitalWrite(LEDPIN, HIGH);

  // Turn led off for 1 sec
  digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LOW);

I hit the build command and am presented with the wonderful SUCCESS.



I am using the USB FTDI cable with the FTDI to UPDI converter board, mentioned on the embedded programming site of the Fab Academy. I include the Fab Academy picture and traces here for prosperity.

FTDI > UDPI board

FTDI > UDPI board

FTDI > UDPI components

FTDI > UDPI components

I hit the upload command and am presented with even more SUCCESS. How successful is this!?!

More success

More success


Now, lets try some inputs!

Crash sensor

I started rummaging through the box and looking at the components. The boards have marked connector terminals, making connections nice and easy. Many of them also include a descriptive name on the board. One of them caught my eye, named Crash sensor. How interesting!

Turned out it’s just a simple switch. Let’s try it out.

Using the same pins I used for +, - and (s)ignal for the Servos in week 11, I connect to +, - and S on the switch. Then, adjusting the sample code from the site to one I had previously written, I end up with this:

#include <Arduino.h>

// Set LED pin
int LED=PIN_PA3;

// Set sensor/crash/shock pin

// Variable for reading/storing state
int val;

void setup()
  // Set LED pin as output

  // Set collision sensor pin as input

void loop()
  // Read the value and store it

  // When collision sensor detects a signal, LED turns on.
  } else  {

Crash sensor

Crash sensor

And the the glory in mp4 format:

Touch sensitive button

Next I wanted to try the capacitive touch button. With minimal changes to the above code, we can now order pizza!

#include <Arduino.h>

// Set LED pin
int LED=PIN_PA3;

// Set touch pin

// Variable for reading/storing state
int val;

void setup()
  // Set LED pin as output

  // Set collision sensor pin as input

void loop()
  // Read the value and store it

  // When touched, LED turns on.
  } else  {

As can be seen, it detects the touch through cardboard. This can add impressive depth to projects, by embedding buttons below the surface.

Ultra sonic sensor

Next I found this ultra sonic sensor. I’ve often seen them, but never connected them before. They are a bit funny looking, the transmitter and receiver kind of look like eyes which is fun because this module can be used to let robots detect obstacles and thus their surroundings.

I adjust the sample code to work with my board, like this:

#include <Arduino.h>

// Set LED pin
int LED=PIN_PA3;

// Set ultrasonic signal receiver pin ECHO to digital pin 6
int inputPin=PIN_PA6;

// Set ultrasonic signal transmitter pin TRIG to digital pin 7
int outputPin=PIN_PA7;

void setup()
  pinMode(inputPin, INPUT); 
  pinMode(outputPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); 

  // Pulse for 10μ s to trigger ultrasonic detection
  digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); 
  digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW);

  // Read receiver pulse time 
  int distance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH); 
  distance= distance/58; // Transform pulse time to distance

  if (distance < 5) {
    digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
  } else {
    digitalWrite(LED, LOW);

Line tracking sensor

Next interesting one was this line tracking sensor. It’s supposed to be able to detect going from white to black or vice versa. I found it on the Keyestudio wiki. Again this is something I have not tested before. I grabbed a A4 printer paper and a black coloring pencil and made a box. It detected the changes when I moved it just fine!

I used the following code to test it out:

#include <Arduino.h>

// Set LED pin
int LED=PIN_PA3;

// Set line detection sensor to digital pin 2
int inputPin=PIN_PA2;

void setup()
  pinMode(inputPin, INPUT); 
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  // Read the input pin
  int sensorValue = digitalRead(inputPin);

  // If the sensor reports 1, turn on the LED
  if (sensorValue == 1) {
    digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
  } else {
    digitalWrite(LED, LOW);

End of input

I’m going to call it a day for now.


Next up, a bit of probing around!


For this part, I borrowed a DSLogic Plus analyzer from my instructor.

It’s a 16 channel analyzer with a USB-C to USB-A cable for PC connection.

I fetched the latest Windows software from their download site and set it up.

Next I connected the analyzer to my laptop, along with my board and the programmer cable.



Trying it out

Since I had disconnected the last sensors I used, I figured I’d try to make some sense of the probe with just the board.

So after familiarizing myself with the layout of the software I wanted to try to take some measurements.

DSView software

DSView software

In the main area, we have the 16 channels, labeled 0 to 15.

Above the main field, we have the DSLogic Plus USB device selected, the duration (2 second) and the MHz. I left the Mhz setting at the default 1MHz.



After exploring the options, I found the PWM option within the Decode tab. I selected the PWM and the channel to measure. After a bit of testing, I found that I was using Chanel 1.

On the ATtiny412 I put the following code to test:

#include <Arduino.h>

int PWM_PIN = PIN_PA2;

void setup()
  pinMode(PWM_PIN, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  analogWrite(PWM_PIN, 127);

This is a simple PWM signal, set at half the maximum value of 255 (0-255).

Uploading the code and connecting the probe to pin PA2, I got the following output after hitting Start within DSView:



Zooming in and using the Measure tab, we see that part of a frame, for lack of a better term, has the approximately the same values or:

Width Period Frequency Duty Cycle
~410μs 820μs 1.22KHz ~50%

So, we can see it’s actually at 50%! Neat!

Modifying the code above, dropping the percentage down from 50% to 10% or value of 25, we get the following output:

PWM at 10%

PWM at 10%

First of the frame:

Width Period Frequency Duty Cycle
80μs 819μs 1.22KHz ~9.77%
Width Period Frequency Duty Cycle
739μs 819μs 1.22KHz ~90.23%

10% confirmed!

Sensor and LED

Next I added this analog rotation sensor to the board. Per the specifications, the voltages from the sensor are interpreted as 0-1023. I map the values to 0-255 and write those values to the LED.

I connect the probe to the LED pin of the chip and record while I turn the sensor clockwise.

Turning of the knob

Turning of the knob

Not so informative, lets zoom in at the beginning, the middle and the end of the recording.

Protip: In DSView, you can right click and drag to select a part of the recording to zoom in on, very handy!

The beginning

The beginning

Here we are looking at some of the very first frames. As we can see on the PWM: Duty Cycle, it’s less than 1%, so not much light from the LED!

The middle

The middle

Zooming in on the approximate middle of the recording, we that the pulses and duty cycle are now around 45%. At this point, the LED is on at about half strength.

The end

The end

And here we are! Just about 100% duty cycle and the LED is on at full strength.


Sensors are fun. Probing is fun.

I need to invest in a good logic analyzer and gain experience with it when I get a chance.



I found this site,, to be an excellent tool to compress videos. VLC gave me a bit of trouble compressing videos so for the last video I tried this site and it compressed the file from 14.27MB to 267.56kB, or by 98.17%.

This makes GitLab and Neil happy.

Last update: April 26, 2022