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electronics >

the electronics arc goes something like this:

ecad and project management >

however, I won’t get my primary efab tools until Sunday (roland). I started off this batch of assignments by going straight to ecad, since I’m already “fluent” in Altium.

I’ve noticed a bad feedback loop where I procrastinate on documentation until right before the assignment is due; I know, it’s not great.

I figured out a couple of things while trying to diagnose my problem:

ecad hello world >

I talked to Dan about what we have in stock at the fablab, and determined that he has the stuff for an attiny44a.

I spent some time designing a hello-world board for the attiny44a from scratch, adding an led and switch, plus passives. Supposedly, ordering from oshpark was extra credit, so I did that.

I had additional reasons to order a PCB instead of just milling one:

this is especially critical to me because I have a love/hate relationship with finalizing electronics designs:

effectively, pcb fab houses don’t enable iteration for me, which is bad for getting things done.

this situation is an interesting combo:

these two details make it so that I finish my first spiral asap.

in practice, this combo has been working out very effectively so far. I still need to go through efab, so tbd.

3d >

I have some sla benchmarks already printed for my elegoo mars 2p, but I actually ran out of resin for that print, and one of the models didn’t complete… I haven’t used my resin setup in a bit, so getting it up and running may be non-trivial. In the meantime, to complete the assignment, I used my ender 3 to print a full set of benchmarks.

I was in the middle of my photoshoot before I had to leave, so pictures are not done yet.

electronic origami/kirigami >

I spent some time thinking about paper electronics and related, for cba research. Still testing waters to see how much I should work on for class vs for cba.

documentation >

for week3 assignment (cncSmall), I worked on compression scripts a bit, but they were piecemeal and required finagling to get working. Given that I’m attempting to document 3 assignments in the span of a weekend, I think I’ll want to get my feedback loops figured out better.

so, plan:

I’ve been struggling a bit with juggling everything on my plate right now, but after some thought I found the following quote:

“A life without failure is not a life well lived”.

I may fail at some of my current tasks, but I will still succeed. I think I’m on the right trajectory, even if it sometimes doesn’t feel like it.

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