13. Applications and implications¶
This week I propose my final project masterpiece that will integrate most of the knowledge and skills acquired in the different assignments. For this I answer the following questions:
What will it do?¶
My project will be a kinetic cover that with the movement of its parts avoids solar radiation when it reaches harmful values for health. Originally this project was thought for the colonial patios of Arequipa in the historic centre of Arequipa. The masterpiece will be a modular prototype to be installed in any place where exposure to solar radiation is an inconvenience. The parts of the cover or roof that will open or close will be inspired by the movement of the flowers due to the effect of light.
Who’s done what beforehand?¶
Kinetic architecture, hand in hand with parametric architecture, has gained a lot of prominence in the last decade. Several prototypes have been produced, among which we can highlight the following because they are closer to this proposal.
Kinetic Smart Facade Prototype with Arduino
Diffusion Choir
Youtube video
What will you design?¶
I will design the mechanism for the opening and closing of the flower to prevent the penetration of solar radiation. I will design the program to control the motor using a microcontroller to achieve the movement described above. I will parametrically design the cover.
What materials and components will be used?¶
For the structure of the roof MDF will be used and for the protection against solar radiation UV-protected fabric will be used. For the opening and closing mechanism grey resin will be used. Radiation sensors and servo motors will be used for the electronics.
Where will come from?¶
MDF and resin are imported materials available in the laboratory. The fabric with UV protection will be imported from China. The radiation sensors and servo motors also will be imported from China.
How much will they cost?¶
One 6mm MDF panel costs 50 US$, one fifth of the grey resin tank costs 50 US$, the two metres of UV protection fabric costs 20 US$, the radiation sensors and servo motors cost 20 US$. The approximate total cost for the manufacture of the final product will be US$ 150.
What parts and systems will be made?¶
The structure of the cover will be made, as well as the mechanical system for opening and closing the flower to prevent the penetration of solar radiation. The circuit that receives the UV radiation sensor and controls the servomotors will be manufactured.
What processes will be used?¶
Subtractive fabrication processes will be used for the MDF covering and for the circuits using the large format CNC milling machine and the small format CNC milling machine. Additive fabrication processes will be used for the opening and closing mechanism using the STL 3D printer. Electronics design and production will be done for the circuit board that receives the UV radiation sensor and controls the servomotors. An embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming will be designed for the automation of the sensor and servo motors.
What questions need to be answered?¶
I will need to research and know the levels of radiation harmful to health and the average levels in the city where I live. I also need to find out the force of the servo motor to open and close the mechanism with the fabric.
How will it be evaluated?¶
The project will be considered completed and operational when the following are evaluated: Whether the structure supports the mechanism for opening and closing the UV-protected fabric. Whether the opening and closing mechanism is controlled by the microcontroller through an interface. Whether the mechanism operates when the UV radiation sensor exceeds the programmed limits.