2. Project management¶
This week I started to getting used to the documentation process.
The documentation process¶
After receiving the Fab Academy 2022 account Access in my email, I logged in to the GIT LAB.
I then installed on my PC the GIT program
- Git
I used in the GITBASH the commands:
git config –-global user.name “hugocesar.gomez” for setting my user name and
git config -–global user.email “hgomezt@unsa.edu.pe” for setting my email.
I geneated my SSH key with the command: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C “hgomezt@unsa.edu.pe”
And saw my keygen with the command: cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Then I copied the key with the command: clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
After that with the commands ls and cd I located myself in the folder created on my PC to clone the repo.
The git status command lets us know which changes are ready to be commited.
The git pull command allows us to download the last copy of the repository
The git add . command allows us to upload all the files at once which are shown in green colour.
Finally, I named my last update to know what I changed wit the command git commit -m ‘finished about’ and uploaded to the Repository wit the command git push
To do all the changes in the md files I have used the Visual Studio Code wich is better due to the preview window. - Visual Sutudio Code
For resizing images I recomend the app for windows Image Resizer for Windows 10 from the Microsoft Store