//sgn feb 2022 //based off of: https://sheekgeek.org/2022/adamsheekgeek/samd11c-multi-use-board $fn = 32; difference(){ translate([0,0,2]) scale([1.2,1.2,1.4]) linear_extrude(height = 5, center = true, scale=1) import(file = "D:/Garrett/Fab Lab/Week 4 - Board/fab11c-master/SVG and PNG exports for Fab mods milling/Fab11C-Body.svg", center = true, dpi = 1000); translate([0,0,0]) scale([1.03,1.01,1]) linear_extrude(height = 7, center = true, scale=[1,1,1]) import(file = "D:/Garrett/Fab Lab/Week 4 - Board/fab11c-master/SVG and PNG exports for Fab mods milling/Fab11C-Body.svg", center = true, dpi = 1000); //cut back slot translate([3.5,-25,-1.5]) cube([20,10,10], center = true); //cut back translate([0,-30,-1.5]) cube([34,10,20], center = true); //cut front translate([0,21,2]) cube([28,20,10], center = true); //switch cutout translate([-10,-13,-1.5]) cube([28,10,10], center = true); //tab cutout right translate([-10,-2,-1.5]) cube([28,6,10], center = true); //tab cutout left 1 translate([10,0,-1.5]) cube([28,6,10], center = true); //tab cutout left 1 translate([10,-15,-1.5]) cube([28,6,10], center = true); //TEXT /* translate([4.5,-22,3]) rotate([0,0,90]) linear_extrude(4) text("SGN", font = "Liberation Sans"); */ } //tab stand left 1 translate([14.3,0,1]) cube([2.2,4,6], center = true); //tab left 1 translate([13.4,0,0.9]) rotate([0,45,0]) cube([2,4,2], center = true); //tab stand left 2 translate([14.3,-15,1]) cube([2.2,4,6], center = true); //tab left 2 translate([13.4,-15,0.9]) rotate([0,45,0]) cube([2,4,2], center = true); //tab stand right translate([-14.3,-2,1]) cube([2.2,4,6], center = true); //tab right translate([-13.4,-2,0.9]) rotate([0,45,0]) cube([2,4,2], center = true); //test pcb //translate([0,-4,2.6]) //cube([26,14,1.6], center = true);