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7. Electronics design

For this week’s assignment I have designed a new style of programmer which does not require a cable, and can program multiple cards quickly.


As a consultant for a Raleigh, NC firm, I used this technique to program the product. The programming port was just a 6 pin header without the pins being installed in the card. The programmer was the PICKit2 from MicroChip. A 6 pin Header was inserted in the PICKit2 and inserted in the programming port and the weight of the programmer made the contact and was programmed.

Montie Gear

Creating a New Programmer

Taking this concept for the Final Project, I have produced a SAMD11C14 programmer with a 5 pin programming connector. The cards that I need to produce will have the 5 pin programming socket, ready for the SAMD programmer. Here is the schematic for the programmer.

PCB milled and components soldered

The programmer has a Push button and a LED that will ultimately be used in conjunction with a PC Application that you can select a bin file, and select if you want the app to exit after successful programming, or will program other cards on every push of the button.

Final Project puzzle card

This is the card which will be in every puzzle piece for the Kiddi-Coder. It will be programmed using the above SAMD programmer.

Last update: March 23, 2022