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2. Project management

This week 2 I started to getting used to the documentation process.

Documentation Process

I had two options, the first was to create a web page from scratch or, and the second was to use the Gitlab platform and make some changes to an already assembled personal page model. I opted for the second option because it was the easiest and most practical for me, considering my little preparation to create a web page from scratch.

First image

Tutrial Markdown

Wath is Markdown ?

Markdown is a lightweight formatting language, with an easy-to-use syntax for formatting all forms or writing on the GitHub platform.

I acced a this tutorial Markdown. I learned somethings comands for begin like:

italics word and bold word






link Markdown For put images iamges ![ Black Cha][ Black ]

The important is:

Avanzar cada día

Sort the data like this: * House * Little house * ranch * palace

or like this 1. Primero 2. Segundo 3. Tercero

or this

  • Primero:
    1. House
    2. Little house
  • Segundo:
    1. Ranch
    2. Palace

For to write one paragraf
Is is necesary to make like this
puting two spaces ofter every line

Cloning Process whit GitLab-GitKraken

So the first step was, from GitLab (version control system), to clone my personal pre-built “pull” page to my local computer, then make whatever changes were required to “push” back to the GitLab platform.

Schedule of pull y push from GitLab

For the cloning process or “pull” I had to follow the following steps:

  • Download Gitkraken and the Visual Studio Code to my laptop, which I did without major difficulties

  • To open Gitkraken

  • Enter https://gitlab.fa, enter my repository and clone it with URL
  • Make page changes locally. For which, being in the Gitkraken program, I select File > Open repo in VS Code, this takes me to Visual Studio Code where by default it allows me to make changes to the page with Markdown, which would be like a simpler language adapted to the HTML language. For which I also made a Markdown tutorial.
  • Once the changes have been made, I must not forget to save these changes and then return to GitKraken
  • Already in GitKraken I click on -view changes- and all the rows appear with the changes made but that have not yet been staged “Unstaged files” and in order to progress we must click on -Stage all changes-
  • Subsequently, it invites you to place a title and description of the “commit” changes. I understand that this is very important to remember what types of changes and why you did it and then click on – Commit change-
  • And finally address the GitLab by clicking on -Push-
  • Then I check on my page if the changes were made

Then, I had problems whit GitKraken. I dowload the pay version and it don’t work more

I pruve Gitbash

Cloning Process whit GitLab-GitBush

  • Download Git Bash which I did without major difficulties

First image

  • Open git Bash and point to the folder and clone the repository

  • Already in Git Bash. Already in Git Bash I write several commands: git status where I observe the existence or not of any change, git add . and then the git commit -m ‘message’ where I write something identifying the changes that were made. I understand that this is very important to remember what types of changes and why you did it.

Secuencial Comand for Clone my repository

Second image

  • Then I check on my page if the changes were made

I had egain problems whit this version controler (GitBash)

I prouve Sourcetree

There’s several steps to working on my git repo on my local (personal) computer

  1. Installing SourceTree


  1. Clone the project/repo to my machine from the GitLab server, using SourceTree


  1. Change the project using Visual Studio


  1. Commit the change(s) to my local git repo using SourceTree and then push it back to the GitLab server


  1. Confirm that the changes are on the server


  1. Getting my grades from GitLab

Now I work whit Sourcetree and I don’t have any problem I’am very happy whit it. It is very similar at GitKraken, I am very happy whit it

Continuation of Fablab after the global evaluation

I have a new computer and I clone my repository again Steps:

1- I do download from GIT

2- I create a new folder called Fablab in Documents

3- I access my repository through Gitlab:

4- I copy the URL of my repository (photo)


5- I write in GIT: ‘git clone’ and paste the URL of my repository Clone

And ready

6- Download Visual Studio Code


On the new computer:

  • I go into Visual Studio Code and make updates to my page and then,
  • I try to upload to my repository through Gitbush

To achieve this, I perform the following steps: 1- I open Gitbush from my repository 2- I write the following commands: - git status - git add - git commit

But I find errors. I must configure my email and my name


That solved the problem, I was able to upload the modification


I verify that it worked by entering my page

I’m happy about that

Last update: August 12, 2022