Input devices
Probe an input device's analog levels and digital signals

For this exercise we probed an input’s device analog levels and digital signal. We divided the assignment in two parts.

First we analyzed the analog levels obtained from a phototransistor, the Hello light PCB. This is a board running on the Attiny 45 microcontroller. For this we used the Monitor on Arduino IDE, and developed a program that can return the analog reading obtained from the phototransistor. These readings range from 0 to 1024, and are inversely proportional to light levels: more light the lower the number, less light the higher the number.

See the code for obtaining analog light readings from phototransistor here:

Second, we analyzed the digital signal levels obtained from the Hello Echo Light Button Board. This is a board running on the Attiny 45 microcontroller. For this we also used the Monitor on Arduino IDE, and developed a program that can return a digital signal from the button. Is a simple 0 - 1 signal that is consistent with pressure levels. When pressed, the reading on the monitor is 1. When the pressure on the button is released, the reading on the monitor is 0.

See the code for obtaining digital pressure readings from button here: