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2. Project management

It has been said at some point Fab Academy was going to be like drinking water from a firehose. It was also said, that full force consumption of from a firehose would likely occur sometime in March moving forward. And right now, it is only a trickle of information.

This image is my current state of mind and if I am not experiencing full, open valve, YET…what’s it going to be like when I do? Oh boy.... There are days I am jazzed and with the help of my peers, the feeling of “I can do it” is strong. And other days… I look at everyone and think want to back to being a hermit in the woods and kiss technology goodbye. So much to learn. May whomever is Jerry the mouse with the wrench keep the information flow moderate.

Documentation has been a HUGE learning process already. The semi~perfectionist in me yearns for anyone to read what I write and be able to understand enough. Ha. A new wise mentor has told me, to cut that particular thinking of being readable and perfect and put it into the trash. Instead think “verbal vomit” and make it the goal of getting my learnings, my screenshots, my goofs, my redo’s and my thoughts down ELECTRONICLY even if it isn’t perfect or understandable to an outsider. Importantly it is: get the thoughts in, get it done and get it “committed.” Notebook and pen method has (almost) got to go away and instead embrace full on electronics for the next six months.

In the past 10 years, not counting music I have downloaded maybe 3 software programs. In the past two weeks, I am begining to lose count.

The documentation process:

Terminal Command Prompt

I didn’t even know this type of mode existed. I feel like a hacker getting ready to do something devious and actually had a little bit of a rush discovering HOW to get to this point.

Python, Pip, Gitbash, MKDocs

Using advice and “how to do it” notes of two previous Charlotte Latin Fab Academy grads, Teddy Warner and Dr. David Taylor AND with the help of my collegue and friend, Nidhie Dhiman, on Wednesday Jan. 12, 2022 had a successful installation of Python, Pip, Gitbash and MKdocs. It took some patience and trial and error.

ssh key

This drove me NUTS!! Took some figuring out on the difference between the public key and the private key. AND where to find that private key. It seemed like such a HUGE deal, NOT to share it with anyone. So big deal that I did not even want to take a screen shot of it to prove I was successful. It was an effort to even attempt to write this out of spookiness. So far, I think I have done this correctly.

GIT videos

These two video’s were the start of my education of what GIT it all about, Master, Branches, Pull, Commits and Push. I felt they were worthy enough to share.

Calendar of....Future Vision??

Below is something I needed to do for me. I am a checklist kinda guy so I needed to see what each week was going to be at the moment for individual tasks and group task so I can check things off as hopefully I accomplish them. AND with that, I added possible thoughts to HOW I might align the weekly learnings to final project. I anticipate this is going to change quickly however it gives me some sense of where I am, where I need to be and where I need to go.

Git Website

I’ll let the development of the website do the talking for me. I am NOT using Command Prompt or Visual Studios YET. I intend to however I am not there yet. That information overload:

of everything thus far has been a bit much so I need to get the basics down and slowly (as I can) migrate into other methods.

Last update: February 5, 2022